8/21/2012: Pat Kilkenny paid for the park with a secret balloon loan from the UO Foundation that UO wouldn’t explain unless I paid the public records office $484.42: UO students had to pay $1.54 million in subsidies for baseball last year, and even Bob Berdahl thought that coach George Horton scheduled…
UO Matters
Update: OPB’s Rob Manning reports on the latest from the HECC, here: … HECC commissioners were critical of the large universities, suggesting they had not done enough outreach to affected groups, like students. One commissioner also suggested that by rejecting tuition hikes it would send a message to state lawmakers that more funding is…
New info on likely legislative changes and how to best react, on his PERS Info blog here. And the best explanation I’ve read yet on the kicker and how it turns good news into bad news.
In the Chronicle here: … The emails leaked to The American Conservative document a conflict that began in February, when Mr. Griffiths responded to a colleague’s email urging Divinity School faculty members to participate in voluntary diversity training with his own email urging them to skip it as a waste of…
Under CEO Paul Weinhold the Foundation has cut way back on the information it shares with the public. This IRS report for July 2015-June 2016 will be 10.5 months old when it is released, and will include only the basic legally required information about the Foundation’s dealings with Vin Lananna’s Tracktown…
Wow – this has the appearance of a big step forward in UO transparency. From Around the O: American horror writer H.P. Lovecraft famously observed that “the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” The University…
You don’t have to file a public records request: The UO Graduate School’s 8th Annual Graduate Student Research Forum will be held this Friday May 12 in and around the EMU Ballroom. Come hear research symposia at 10, 11:15, and 12:45; see students describe their research in 3 minutes flat at…
I don’t know. Let’s find out.
Alec Cowan has a very interesting story in the Emerald on this campus group. Read it all here.
Something you don’t see every day, in the RG letters here.
The artist Ai Weiwei, in the NYT here: Whenever the state controls or blocks information, it not only reasserts its absolute power; it also elicits from the people whom it rules a voluntary submission to the system and an acknowledgment of its dominion. This, in turn, supports the axiom of…
The AAUP and the Oregon AFT have been working on this organizing drive for a while, now they apparently feel confident enough to go public: In other OSU news, here’s the letter OSU President Ed Ray recently sent out: Oregon State University community, Today, the University Board of Trustees voted…
That would be scientists from Oregon State University. KEZI has the report on OSU’s paradigm changing research here. Wolf urine. How many grad students died for that?
Sort of. Emerald reporter Franklin Lewis has an excellent story on its history here: … Built in 1893, Friendly Hall served as the first dormitory at UO. It was also the first dorm in the United States that was co-ed designed, according to the UO Libraries Architecture of the University of…
5/3/2017: Emerald reporter Kenny Jacoby’s stories about the arrests of UO’s student athletes for various assaults got him an award for investigative reporting. UO got even more bad national press when the story came out about how Duck football flack Dave Williford had tried to take away Jacoby’s press pass over his reporting. Now the Ducks are announcing…