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UO Matters

Counseling Center whistleblowers give details on how UO lawyer Sam Hill got Jane Doe records

Rich Read in the Oregonian: UO whistleblowers: giving student’s confidential therapy records to campus lawyers felt wrong EUGENE — The executive assistant to the director of the University of Oregon‘s Counseling Center disobeyed instructions last December and showed a therapist a confidential email from their boss. The email’s directions horrified both Karen…

Be there: Final Senate meeting today, Wed. 3PM. Pres-elect vote, legislation report, gavel to Sullivan, reception for award winners

Senate Meeting Agenda – June 3, 2015, 2014-2015, Agendas 115 Lawrence, 3:00-5:00 p.m. 3:00 pm    1.   Call to Order 3:00 pm    2.   Approval of Minutes 2.1      April 15, 2015  2.2      May 13, 2015  2.3      May 20, 2015 3:05 pm    3.   State of the University 3.1       Report from the Academic Council on Academic Integrity:…

The Full Bunsis video: AAUP’s Howard Bunsis dissects UO admins budget claims

The administration’s bargaining proposal to cut real faculty pay is here. The well is dry, Jamie Moffitt is telling us. And that’s what she’s going to tell the UO Board of Trustees in their closed session on union bargaining on Friday.

But forensic accountant Howard Bunsis thinks Jamie Moffitt is wrong. And he’s got the data to prove it. The UAUO faculty union has now posted the full Bunsis video, in all its glory:

Part 1:, Part 2:

The 82 powerpoint slides are here, but I encourage you to watch the video to get the explanations. Bunsis gives these sorts of talks at universities all over the country, and he has done a particularly thorough job for UO:

Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 10.49.15 AM

I don’t see any redactions – unlike Moffitt’s:

Rape survivor Brenda Tracy at the Senate IAC, Altman and Mullens don’t show.

Brenda Tracy is the survivor of a sexual assault by two Oregon State football players and two others, 16 years ago. She went public after newspapers broke the story of the alleged UO basketball player gang rape of Jane Doe. John Canzano published Ms Tracy’s horrible and courageous story in the Oregonian,…

Good news for Oregon as Wisconsin Republicans gut UW-Madison

25 years ago UW-Madison gave me a full-ride PhD fellowship, funded by an endowment from the professor who figured out how to put vitamin-D in milk, and then gave the patent to the state. Now the Republican Governor and state legislature are trying to destroy the place: They’ve left in the perks for the coaches, of course.…