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UO Matters

Game Day

10/22/13: For more on ESPN and it’s influence on big-time college football, here’s a good NYT story. The PAC-12 deal with ESPN is worth $3 billion, through 2024. How much of that goes to UO’s academic side? Maybe a negative 6 million or so a year. Still no action on…

Update on admin fact check site

The University of Oregon administration has been bargaining a union contract with the UO faculty’s AAUP/AFT affiliate local since November. I regularly blog about the bargaining sessions. In February the University of Oregon’s administrative bargaining team wrote an unsigned “Open Letter” to the UO community, saying: “We write this letter…

The opportunity cost of reading this post about the opportunity cost of reading this post

What Are We Not Doing When We’re Online Scott Wallsten NBER Working Paper No. 19549Issued in October 2013NBER Program(s):   PR  The Internet has radically transformed the way we live our lives. The net changes in consumer surplus and economic activity, however, are difficult to measure because some online activities, such as…

State of the University, Fall 2013

10/16/13 Update: President delivers fact filled speech to Senate, announces strategic plan, end to athletic subsidies! Pac-12 media contract revenues from ESPN/FOX, our Pac-12 network partners, the new Rose Bowl agreement and the new College Football Championship agreement will substantially increase funding for athletics. In several years, there will be…