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UO Matters

Bar investigates Rudnick, Gary and Geller for allegations of lack of candor with the tribunal, in an attempt to pad legal fees

7/1/2013 retraction, per ORS 31.120 The original headline on this post, on 6/10/2013, was “Bar investigates Rudnick, Geller and Gary for alleged bill padding.” On 6/20/2013 I received a retraction demand from Ms Rudnick and Mr. Gary per ORS 31.120, which gives news organizations 2 weeks to retract allegedly false and defamatory statements, before they can be sued…

Gottfredson’s payroll

6/30/2013: The new academic year starts July 1, which means it’s time to make public records requests for the contracts President Gottfredson has given our administrative leaders. Under Lariviere I could get these in a few days at no charge, but I’m expecting this year Gottfredson and Hubin will use…

Moffitt tries to explain UO’s excessive reserves to OUS

6/27/2013: From the minutes of the 5/24 OUS F&A meeting: Projected campus fund balances for biennial-end include: EOU, 5.1%; OIT, 12.4%; OSU, 8.4%;PSU, 14.2%; SOU, 7.4%; UO, 17.%; WOU, 16.6%; and Chancellor’s Office, 20.7%. Vice PresidentMoffitt, UO, advised that they are preparing a written plan for submission to the Boardconcerning…