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UO Matters

Legislative meeting update: Faculty endorses independent UO Board legislation

5/17/3013 Update:The Ways and Means subcommittee meeting is scheduled for 8:30 AM, Salem, Thursday the 23rd. One last chance to let your legislators know how you feel about this power grab. 5/16/2013: Whoops, the video of President Kyr and Peter Keyes, and the resolution below, are from November 2011, at the…

Galvan to explain Gabon

5/16/2013: Dear colleagues: I invite you to a presentation by Dr. Dennis Galvan, who is a finalist for the position of Vice Provost for International Affairs. Dr. Galvan’s application materials (letter and cv) will be available for your review on Monday, May 20,  at He will give his public presentation…

Are Rudnick and HLGR also writing the UO Board legislation?

5/16/2013: Presumably Randy Geller is getting competent legal advice somewhere. Frohnmayer wrote the original version. And if it’s HLGR it would help explain Rudnick’s bargaining table outbursts about keeping shared governance out of the contract. HLGR wrote the Nike tax relief bill that Kitzhaber pushed through in special session, so…

Now w/ docs: Orwell meets Dilbert, from the guy Bean hired as LCB dean

5/13/2013: Anyone go to the Friday LSB faculty meeting about Songlines?5/2/2013: Updated with contract and invoices at bottom5/1/2013: From: “Tracy Bars” [email protected] To: “LCB Faculty” [email protected] “LCB Staff”, [email protected],  “LCB OA’s” [email protected] Cc: “Chris Van Dyke” [email protected] Subject: May 10th LCB Faculty Staff Meeting Materials and Dean’s Message LCB Faculty…

Search update, Françafrique update, UO gets $20 million for Gabon greenwashing?

Update: Berdahl appointed Dennis Galvan as interim VPIA last year. For a while it looked like Pres Gottfredson was going to give him the permanent job without a search, but to his credit he seems to be conducting a thorough search for other potential internal candidates, in accordance with Senate legislation: Dear…

Graduate student fires shots

From the ODE: University of Oregon Political Science Graduate Teaching Fellow Jack Edward McDowellwas taken into custody outside his home at approximately 3:22 a.m. Saturday, according to a press release sent by Eugene Police Department Sergeant Ron Tinseth.  After being awoken by gunfire, four neighbors in the East 18th Avenue…

UO drops flagship claim, prepares for loss of AAU research status

5/11/2013: Old press release boiler-plate: About the University of Oregon  The University of Oregon is a world-class teaching and research institution and Oregon’s flagship public university. The UO is a member of the Association of American Universities (AAU), an organization made up of 62 of the leading public and private research institutions…

Senate passes motion to make Athletic Department pay its debts

Motion to have the UO athletic department pay the costs of athlete only tutoring and the Knight Arena land, passed 19 to 4 with 4 abstentions on 5/8/2013. President Gottfredson’s report to Senate due 7/8/2013.  Payments by the Athletics Department for Academic Purposes Number: US12/13-20 Date of Notice: Wed, 02/13/2013 Legislation,…