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UO Matters

Union bargaining XXI – Enter President Kyr

Thursday, 5/9/2013, 8-12 AM, Room 122 Knight Library. Your Guarantee of Truthiness: All UO Matters bargaining posts fact-checked by Randy Geller, HLGR and their lobbyist and public relations consultant, (and former Frohnmayer aide) Marla Rae: Synopsis: Gottfredson hunkers down in his bunker. Prologue: Will admins present their counter-counter-counter-counter on raises, or keep stalling? Senate…

UC-Irvine spends $7M a year on "fill the pipeline" programs

5/8/2013: The NYT discusses California’s extensive programs to respond to the ban on racially explicit affirmative-action programs for admissions with low SES “fill the pipeline” programs: The results of California’s efforts offer some measure of satisfaction to supporters and critics alike. Both sides hail the U.C. system’s strides toward economic —…

After the horse has left the barn, refreshments will be provided

5/6/2013: President Michael Gottfredson invites UO faculty and staff to join him for an informal gathering and discussion of the University of Oregon’s governance structure as a public university within the state of Oregon. University officials who have helped shape pending legislation that would authorize institutional boards, and who have…

University hires new VP for Finance and Administration for $236K

5/4/2013: The university has successfully concluded an open national search for a new VP for Finance and Administration. The president reports to the faculty: “Our former VPFA did an exemplary job of helping keeping the university on a sound financial footing in a difficult economic environment and doing so in a…