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UO Matters

RG editors on higher ed secrecy

Published yesterday, 1/23/2013, here: Higher education officials should be less concerned with secrecy and more concerned with making certain the public has a full understanding of the dynamics that have contributed to the financial woes of Oregon’s universities and how hard it will be for them to meet the challenges that…

Ducks celebrate MLK day with fake search for new bald white coach

1/20/2013. Mullens will announce the hire today. The RG editors called for UO to follow state law: Turns out that promoting Helfrich without interviewing a qualified minority candidate — or at least making a good-faith attempt to find such a candidate — would violate Oregon law. Three years ago, the Oregon Legislature…

Faculty want jock cash for "un-athletic student" scholarships

US07/08-15 Resolution concerning Revenue Sharing with the Athletic Department Presented by Paul van Donkelaar, Department of Human Physiology (revised 29 January 2008) Whereas, the Administration uses cross-subsidization as a mechanism to successfully manage the University budget, And whereas, the 2004 Athletics Task Force Report endorsed by the University Senate recommended…