10/31/2011: For expense account fraud. From Nigel Jaquiss at Willamette Week: Burton, a former longtime lawmaker and Metro chair, abruptly left the university last summer ahead of a damning audit, first reported in August by WW, that found he took an 11-day European junket on PSU’s dime under highly questionable…
UO Matters
10/30/2011: Many of the comments on the appointment of Dennis Galvan as VP for IA are somewhat supportive. I don’t trust Dennis Galvan because of the way he handled the deal between UO and Gabon this summer. Galvan and Lariviere signed UO to a deal with Gabon based on some…
10/30/2011: One for tenure track faculty, one for NTTFs. From the Bozeman Daily Chronicle: Montana State University’s two new faculty unions have approved their first-ever collective bargaining contracts on the Bozeman campus, covering roughly 400 professors and 200 instructors. Leaders of the Associated Faculty of MSU unions announced Friday that…
10/30/2011: OIED VP Charles Martinez was one of those interim appointments gone permanent and bad. He had a remarkable ability to screw up UO’s diversity efforts, despite spending most of his time off campus double dipping at his second job at OSLC. Last year Lariviere bought Martinez off with a…
There were (at least) two credible internal candidates. President Lariviere went with the one who was willing to go to Gabon and prove he had no spine. As with other recent appointments there was no legitimate search committee, hence Galvan will take office without any buy-in from the people he…
10/28/2011: Check the dates in bold. Frances Dyke needs to fill this job by Tuesday. The person holding it was appointed in May. WTF? Please email [email protected] or post anon comment if you know what’s happening. As usual comments that start with Do Not Post will not be posted. Notice…
Pultitzer prize winning civil rights historian Taylor Branch, interviewed by Stephen Colbert on 10/26/2011 The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Taylor Branch www.colbertnation.com Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive
10/28/2011:Former UO reporter Allie Grasgreen has the story in Insidehighered.com. It’s way too little for the big revenue football players, and arguably too much for the non-revenue players. Should cost the UO AD about $1,000,000. The real cost will be if the courts then decide this makes the player’s employees…
10/28/2011: From here, via those economists at marginalrevolution. Recent trend for women is flatter. Maybe we should charge them more?
The tents are already going up in the quad. The bongos are loud enough to drown out the jackhammers on PLC. Their website is here. Oct. 27, 2011Dear Colleagues The University of Oregon has received word that leaders of the Occupy Eugene movement intend to relocate their encampment this afternoon…
10/27/2011: UCLA. Kentucky. Purdue. Georgia Tech. Arizona.
about the NCAA? Here’s what Coach Chip Kelly says about the proposals to give athletes $2,000 out of the NCAA’s $788 million in new TV revenue: “Obviously there kids that come to college who are underprivileged and deserve the full cost of attendance but there are also kids who are…
with Lisa Peterson, a former colleague at Kentucky, appointing her to Rennee Baumgartner’s old job:
10/26/2011: An anonymous correspondent reports that VP Robin Holmes is closing the Office of Multicultural Academic Success and replacing it with something called CMAE, the Center for Multicultural Access and Excellence. They point readers toward uotruth.tumblr.com for more information and documents, and say that students, staff, and faculty are organizing…