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UO Matters

Gabon and the Koch Foundation

6/28/2011: The Koch Foundation’s academic grants – which come with many strings – are in the news again, Dan Berrett has an excellent piece in Insidehighered.com It concludes with this: The best way to safeguard a university’s interests and commitment to academic freedom is to be clear about expectations up…

A flawed PR move

6/26/2011:  The Oregon Daily Emerald editors shred President Lariviere’s proposal to give Jefferson HS students free tuition: Though we appreciate the effort and applaud the attempt to aid in Oregon’s ailing public education system, there are significant problems with the proposal and certain planks of it make for a sad…

Legislative updates

6/24/1011 SB242, having passed the Senate a while ago, is now moving through the House. If you understand what is going on please leave a comment. 6/23/2011: The Oregonian reports the legislature has cut Chancellor Pernsteiner’s pay and benefits package by 11%. Just kidding, it’s for higher ed in general.…

It ain’t the crime, …

6/22/2011: At worst, the UO athletic department slipped a player a bit of cash via a “street agent.” I’m no economist, but I think this is called “the free market.” The cover-up though, ouch. UO has had these public records requests for months. Incompetence? Really? Bob Clark of the RG…

SB909 and SB242

6/20/2011: From Michelle Cole in the Oregonian: Monday is a big day for education policy in the Oregon Legislature. After months of public Education Committee tiffs and behind-the-scenes negotiations, the Joint Ways and Means Committee moved several bills on for floor votes. Many of the proposals would have a lasting…