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UO Matters

Yin Blog on college reform

From a Lewis and Clark Law Prof’s Blog: A Modest Proposal for Dealing with Corruption in College Sports While the NCAA prepares its nuclear bomb for use against Ohio State in the wake of that school’s football scandal, I thought I’d propose a way to address the corrupting influence of…

"Know the O"

6/2/2011: “Know the O” is the athletic department’s latest effort to pretend that they have some relationship to UO’s academic side. They are going to find a sponsor for 30 second spots on televised Ducks games, to highlight faculty research. Right in between the Bud Light commercials. 8 seconds for…

UO police bill moves to floor

6/1/2011: From Rockne Andrew Roll in the ODE: One of those opponents was Rep. Gene Whisnant (R-Sunriver), who thought more discussion was necessary before moving forward. Though Whisnant described himself as a public safety supporter, he thought the proposal was too expensive. “I thought it was an overkill,” Whisnant said.…

Why doesn’t the Emerald

print sports stories like this? From the OSU student paper, on the Tresell scandals market transactions between willing buyers and sellers: “The tattoo thing is whatever. It’s not that big of a deal, but it’s one of the dumb rules that the NCAA has,” Jenkins told The Lantern on Wednesday.…

PERS hell for ORP members?

5/30/2011: If you are nearing retirement you should be reading Dennis Thompson in the Statesman Journal and also the very well informed persinfo blog: … Finally, there must be a special hell reserved for my colleagues in the Oregon University System who decided way back in 1996 to accept the…

You know the Lit job market is tough when this starts happening:

5/29/2011: “Dempsey, 59, earned a master’s degree from Duke University – in English”. Apparently he was unable to find work in his field. From Margaret Soltan. Here’s another one: “His doctoral thesis at Indiana’s Ball State offered no hints about the career he would pursue: “The Solo Songs of Edward…

Oregonian on Oregon

5/27/2011: You need to read the Oregonian to have any sense of how bizarre state politics has become. Their reporting is just excellent. Check out this story by Jeff Manning, on the latest from AG John Kroger’s office. Things are getting very, very strange.

Some data on athletics

5/27/2011: The Senate Intercollegiate Athletic Committee has posted a little data on the Senate website. This year *all* arena bond repayments come out of the legacy fund. They are predicting a nearly 4x increase in arena revenue over the next 4 years, from $3.7 million to $12.2, at which point…

Affirmative action

5/27/2011: Interesting story in the Chronicle by Richard Kahlenberg reporting that LBJ’s 1965 AA proposals were explicitly based on class, not the race and ethnicity that are its current focus, and the focus of UO’s Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity. Perhaps the new OIED director will have a  view…