7/27/2010: From former SUNY Provost Peter Salins: … This bill would allow the state’s two public university systems, the City University of New York and the State University of New York, to set their own tuition rates and give them the freedom to raise additional revenue to compensate for the…
UO Matters
7/27/2010: With some help we are now digging into “The Delta Project on Postsecondary Education Costs” data mentioned earlier. The comparisons between UO and other schools are pretty shocking. This is not just a case of too little money – it’s what we spend the money on. Hint: it’s not…
7/26/2010: A commenter points us to “The Delta Project on Postsecondary Education Costs, Productivity, and Accountability” and their online database of the federally required reports to IPEDS. Here’s one quick cut: UO’s spending per student FTE compared to Carnegie Public Research university averages, for 2008. (See below for category definitions…
7/26/2010: Sure enough, Nike folds and pays the back wages themselves, according to Steven Greenhouse in the NY Times. Though they can’t quite bring themselves to admit that: A Nike spokeswoman, Kate Meyers, said Monday that the $1.5 million was for “a worker relief fund” and was not for severance.…
7/25/2010: A long, depressing post about the Oregon economy and the state budget, from Harry Esteve in the Oregonian: … State expenses, including payroll, health and retirement benefits, and debt payments, are slated to rise by nearly $4 billion over the next two years — a 26 percent jump. During…
7/23/2010: Check the comments for an interesting take on UO history, from an old man: … Can such “Oregon values” be resurrected? Old Man hopes so, but more Faculty Push will be required since it is in the eternal nature of things that some administrators will try to arrange things…
7/23/2010: One discussion at the recent Provost’s retreat was on building trust between the administration and the faculty. Or so we heard, on the hush-hush from a visibly nervous admin type, as he looked around the room to see if the boss was listening. The Provost won’t tell the faculty…
7/22/2010: Update, NY Times story here. According to the Judge. Rachel Bachman has more here. UO’s team is a remnant of some bizarre Kilkenny scheme to kick those sweaty wrestlers off campus and replace them with baseball, then trick the NCAA into thinking we were achieving Title IX compliance. Their…
7/21/2010: Anyone got a good tree care company to recommend – or an unwanted child and a chainsaw? email [email protected] or post a comment. Update: Remarkable consensus among faculty and administrators. Sperry is very good and very expensive. A strong vote for James Cummings tree service, very good, not so…
7/21/2010: I’m compiling a list of state/academic subsidies to athletics. So far I’ve got the $1.4 million: State lottery money used for athletic scholarships. ?: Legal Services to athletic department (UO and DOJ billed to UO) ? portion of 1039 hours salary for Lorraine Davis to cover costs proctoring quizzes…
7/20/2010: On the UO Athletics website at goducks.com, you will (still) find this statement from Mike Bellotti: The mission of the Duck Athletic Fund is to raise funds to offset the expenses of student-athlete scholarships and related athletic support at the University of Oregon. … The University of Oregon Athletic…
7/20/2010: Op-Ed in the RG by 2 UO alumni and the ASUO president against the ORI Riverfront research building: … Despite decades of overwhelming opposition by students, faculty and community members to development north of the railroad tracks, the university hasn’t held a single public meeting related to the placement…
7/19/2010: First the Oregonian was for Lariviere’s UO restructuring plan, now they are supporting Pernsteiner’s alternative, which would take control from the legislature but give it to OUS instead of UO. What do those bureaucrats in OUS do for higher education? How much does it cost the state? Why would…
7/19/2010: From Greg Bolt in the RG, on the end of Bend: … Some faculty members who reviewed the budget concluded that the program was costing the university more than $1 million a year beyond what it brought in, draining revenue from the Eugene campus as it struggles with steep…
7/19/2010: From Ross Douthat in the NYTimes, discussing this book on who gets into elite colleges: For minority applicants, the lower a family’s socioeconomic position, the more likely the student was to be admitted. For whites, though, it was the reverse. An upper-middle-class white applicant was three times more likely…