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UO Matters

Student retention

6/30/2010: At Xavier, from Two decades ago, Xavier University could only count on three of every four freshmen returning for sophomore year. Even fewer made it to graduation. Today, though, close to 9 of every 10 students who start freshman year at the Jesuit university in Cincinnati make it…

UO’s parking plan

6/29/2010: UO’s 2010 parking plan is here, a summary is posted here. Some abstracts: The East Campus Residence Hall project is the most recent project that will affect the parking supply east of campus. It will displace roughly 300 parking spaces in the Bean Hall parking lot (large parking lot…


6/29/2010: A helpful reader sent some actual data on the costs of the underground arena parking and how they will split between the athletic department and the academic side. Not sure if this is current. (Click to enlarge.)  6/22/2010: The latest increase in faculty/staff parking fees (from $300 to $400,…

New Law School Dean

6/22/2010: UO has posted a job ad for Dean of the Law School. I hadn’t heard anything about Margie Paris leaving. She was appointed as interim Dean after a 2006 search gone bad, but I thought it became a permanent position for her in 2008. Does anyone know what’s up?…

Teaching Evaluations

6/22/2010: In the NYTimes, Stanley Fish is outraged over what’s happening in Texas: Now an entire state is on the brink of implementing just that bite-sized style of teaching under the rubric of “customer satisfaction.” …  the plan calls for college and university teachers to contract with their customers —…

Is cheerleading a sport?

6/21/2010: Ever since Kilkenny dropped wrestling for cheerleading, it’s been obvious that the courts would have to decide this issue someday. links to this story, arguments begin today in US District Court in CT: A federal judge is being asked to decide whether cheerleading can be counted as a…

The Log Cabin Democrat

6/21/2010: This has nothing to do with UO, but how often do you get to hyperlink to a newspaper called The Log Cabin Democrat? University of Central Arkansas faculty and non-classified employees will not see the pay increase of 2.2 percent originally pledged to them at a May meeting of…


6/20/2010: The PAC-n expansion is way outside my area of expertise. You’d need a PhD in economics to understand if there’s even a pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium to this game. Rob Moseley has a good piece in today’s RG. Maybe it’s sour grapes, but the quotes from former UO AD…

UO needs a lawyer

6/19/2010: UO has now posted a job announcement for the General Counsel job: … at least fifteen years of law practice experience ….  To ensure full consideration, please submit a cover letter, resume, and the names of three professional references by July 8, 2010. … The committee will strongly prefer…