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UO Matters

unusual bias case

8/5/2010: From With backing from the New York State Human Rights Division, Csaba Marosan is suing Trocaire College, saying that the Roman Catholic institution discriminated against him because of his accent (he’s from Hungary) and because he is straight, ABC News reported. The state agency investigated his complaint and…

NY version of UO plan fails

8/5/2010: From Eric Kelderman in the Chronicle: One year into her tenure as chancellor of the State University of New York, the State Legislature handed Nancy L. Zimpher her first major political defeat, rejecting a package of regulatory changes meant to allow public universities to earn more money outside of…

GTF contract update

8/2/2010: Update from Emily Gillespie in the RG: One of the most contentious issues is health care coverage. In previous contracts, the University has covered 100 percent of teaching fellows’ health insurance. This time, the university is asking fellows to pay 10 percent of those costs, citing the rising costs…

More on OUS restructuring

8/2/2010: The details of the OUS system’s proposed restructuring plan are becoming clearer. From their Governance and Policy Planning Committee website. They are not proposing to give up much control to UO!: …3.    Board will seek new legal status with state that differs from that of a state agency.…9.    Tuition…

Less bloat

8/2/2010: If we are reading the report right, Academic Affairs has actually managed to shrink it’s administrative budget, from $1.15M in 2008 to $1.05M in 2010. Congratulations!

bloat balloons

7/30/2010: More from “The Delta Project on Postsecondary Education Costs, Productivity, and Accountability” and their online database of the federally required reports to IPEDS.  Looking at UO’s spending per student FTE compared to Carnegie Public Research university averages, for 2008. We spend: $2,347 on Central administration. 96% of the average…

Northside parking lot

7/29/2010: Stefan Verbano has a piece in the ODE on the new 153 slot parking lot UO will build to replace the space athletics took for the Jock Box. The city has decided to extend the public comment period another week: The Campus Planning and Real Estate website lists the…

ODE on Bend and Moseley

7/28/2010: Ryan Buckley had a story on the end of Bend a few days back, that I missed. He managed to get both current Provost Jim Bean and former Provost John Moseley to speak on the record: “The statements that some faculty have made that the program was ‘costing UO…