10/13/2009: Melinda Grier and Rich Linton are still refusing to give us documents explaining why the ICC rate was cut. Rich did point us to statements on how the funds are spent. These numbers show that the hit to UO research is closer to $2 million than the $4 million…
UO Matters
10/9/2009 update: Rich Linton gave a very helpful response to a request for F&A/ICC expenditure, below. We will put together a post over the weekend summarizing what we now know about this issue. We have been reporting similar data to UW’s since I arrived at the UO, primarily via the…
10/8/2009: We’ve heard that Provost Bean has decided to reduce the weight given to research and teaching and boost the importance of administrative service in considering promotions to full professor. Another rumor is that Diversity VP Charles Martinez – given tenure last year – will be promoted to full professor…
10/6/2009 update: We hear from many disparate sources that this $4 million screw-up came from Frances Dyke’s office, not from Rich Linton’s. Version A is that Frances did not take the DHHS documentation request seriously, and did not submit sufficient documentation. Version B is that Frances took the DHHS documentation…
10/4/2009: We are passing along information on 2 upcoming Union events. As background, a joint AAUP-AFT group is working to organize a UO faculty union. Their website is http://unitedacademics-of-uo.org. They are currently attempting to build support, get President Lariviere to adopt a neutrality policy, and at some point will presumably…
10/04/2009: On Friday we received a letter from the US Gov’t recognizing UO Matters as “News Media”, in recognition of our efforts to disseminate factual information regarding the University of Oregon and higher education in general. (We have no idea why they fell for this, but they did.) This apparently…
10/3/2009: After 2 years of Kilkenny’s prodigal spending, UO’s athletic department has a serious budget problem. Fortunately their media contract includes a bonus for higher TV ratings. By reinstating Blount, Chip Kelly stirs up a little more controversy, brings in a few more viewers, and makes it a little more…
10/1/09: The Daily Emerald explains that President Lariviere decided not to spend another dime of UO money on Frohnmayer’s “Old Town” sign craziness. The rumor is that Lariviere is also going to dump Moseley’s UO-Bend programs as soon as feasible. Lots of other good rumors. Early days, but it’s hard…
LBJ slept around, drank whiskey, got rich selling his influence, and lied a lot even for a lawyer. Then one day he gave the best speech in American history. Four minutes before Congress gets over the shock and realizes they need to applaud. “… and should we conquer the stars,…
9/25/2009: Blackboard and research – posting will be light for a bit.
9/19/2009: From openuporegon.com: Carl Malamud has now sent Oregon Attorney General Kroger this letter, stating that he has posted the Oregon Public Records manual online for free access. He also tells Kroger he will soon do the same for several of the other law manuals that the DOJ trys to…
9/18/2009: OK, we’re starting to like this Lariviere guy. First he ditched Frohnmayer’s weird plan to have students graduate first, then take exams. Now, from the Oregonian, it seems he is going to abandon Dave’s attempt to blow $1 million of UO money on the Portland Old Town sign –…
9/17/2009: Times are tough for UO faculty, what with salaries stuck at 80% of those at Missouri. Lots of us are looking around for something on the side, to make ends meet. Apparently former Pres Frohnmayer is now in the same boat. And his golden parachute contract – which pays…
9/15/2009: Oregon law requires the OUS Board to keep minutes of their meetings and make them publicly available. They haven’t done this since December 2005. Check their website if you think we are making this up. Back in mid July (2009) we tried to get a copy of the minutes…
9/14/2009: What is it about UO administrators. Do they take a blood oath to defend each others’ paychecks til the bitter end? We’ve written before about the OUS audit which found current Provost Bean had cut former Provost Moseley’s retirement contract job duties without reducing his FTE, and was letting…