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UO Matters

ICC memo

(From May 2009) MEMORANDUMTo: Units receiving ICC beginning budget allocationsFrom: Rich LintonSubject: ICC Beginning Budget Allocations- FY10 ICC- FY10 Beginning Budget The ICC beginning budget for FY10 will be posted in the coming days, and I write to communicate two key decisions regarding the overall allocations effective July 1, 2009.…

bargaining 37 stuff

ADMIN TEAM DELAYS BARGAINING UNTIL 1PM TODAY, TUESDAY. GLEASON DRIVES OFF, TOLD TO CHECK FOOTBALL PALACE CUSHIONS FOR LOOSE CHANGE: CECIL RALLIES FACULTY FOR 14.5%, OR STRIKE: Bargaining: Tuesday 9/3/2013, 1pm-4pm(?), Room 122 or 101 Knight Library.9:00 AM: Gottfredson meeting with his $100K a month bargaining team: The most recent admin…

UO President Dave Frohnmayer’s extra-ordinary pay.

Comparator compensation, using equivalent definitions, is roughly $520,000 or $480,000 if you use “all public and private PhD granting”. The President of UC-Berkeley is paid $467,556 plus a house.Dave Frohnmayer gets $662,764 plus a house. $195,208 more than the President of Berkeley? Update 5/14/2009: At yesterday’s Senate meeting Provost Bean…