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Posts published by “uomatters”

What you need to know:

You will get the Omicron but you will probably survive. Also: What You Need to KnowWelcome to Winter Term: Today the UO returns to in-person instruction and operations for winter term. Delays or Disruptions: We recognize some students may experience delays related to travel or COVID-19 as they return for winter term. The…

Risk/Return tradeoff

(Now updated w/ OSU’s letter at bottom.) Dear University of Oregon community, Thank you for your ongoing efforts to protect yourselves and others against COVID-19 as we prepare to return to campus for winter term 2022. Along with other public universities in Oregon, including Oregon State University and Portland State…

More universities go remote for January

From Forbes: Harvard announced that it would conduct most of its classes and work remotely for the first three weeks of January. Also this week, Stanford University, Columbia University, Duke University, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Northwestern University, Temple University, the University of Washington and all the campuses in the University of California system have announced they will begin their spring semesters remotely. ……

Groundhog Day

Dear University of Oregon community,Thank you for your ongoing efforts to protect yourselves and others against COVID-19 as we all came back together for fall term.The university is closely monitoring the worldwide increase in COVID-19 cases and the emergence of the Omicron variant. Public health experts continue to stress that…

Provost announces retroactive pandemic pay plus retention, compression, and merit raises!

That would be Provost Kimberly Espy, UO’s former VPR, now at UTSA: As a result of our success in growing our enrollment—which led to our increased formula funding in the last legislative session and allocation of new resources under our incentivized resource management (IRM) budget model—we announced in August a strategic…

UO Administration posts late and incomplete salary reports 8 hours after faculty vote to accept modest raise package

A bit less than half the members voted, with 95% approving the administration’s offer of 5/2/3 % raises. Voting closed at midnight. Sure enough, at 8:00 this morning I got the email below (with my response at the top) telling me that the administration had finally posted a partial salary…

Trustees to give UO faculty real wage cuts because we aren’t lying dirt-bag scum like Duck coaches

Rumor has it that the raise agreement will be for 3 years, with 5/2/3 % raises. The union will send out a call for members to approve in a few days. First two years across the board, last 3% merit. You can’t call it a COLA raise because actual cost…

Dana Altman and Mario Cristobal’s “student athletes” just aren’t graduating

I’m sure Duck Faculty Athletic Reps Tim Gleason and Josh Gordon will have a complete explanation for Pres Schill’s Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Committee. 73% of Cristobal’s players graduate within 6 years, 20% of Altman’s do. Many problems with this metric, but why is UO at the bottom? From Jon Wilner’s…

Criminal Investigation Looks at the Financial Relationship Between USATF and Nike

Unsurprising news from Runners World. Thanks to a regular correspondent for forwarding the link. A grand jury has subpoenaed records and contracts dating back to 2012. As part of a criminal investigation, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia has asked for documents detailing the financial relationship between…