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Posts published by “uomatters”

Hubin doesn’t appoint Grier to head public records committee

President Gottfredson has passed the public records buck to Dave Hubin, who has passed it to a committee. It’s a mixed bag of appointees, mostly administrators, ranging from apathetic to obviously conflicted to excellent. None have recent experience making public records requests to UO. Their charge – or at least the…

Been to McMorran house lately?

11/1/2012: They’ve just posted an ad for a new McMorran house event manager, focusing on development. Nothing about scotch for the faculty. 10/23/2012. Me neither. Don’t take it personally, Gottfredson is obviously not interested in social networking with the UO faculty, and apparently has even laid off the staffer in charge…

Bean to end Shelton’s "Responsibility Centered Management"

10/31/2012: Today’s message from our interim provost – presumably sent with Gottfredson’s blessing – represents some serious backtracking regarding Brad Shelton’s 2009 “New Budget Model”, of which Shelton wrote: What is RCM? In most modern American universities, authority is highly decentralized, but responsibility (specifically financial responsibility) is held centrally. This decoupling of authority…

No UO Faculty Satisfaction

10/29/2012: Johnson Hall *really* doesn’t give a shit what the faculty think, so they simply opted out of the OUS survey on faculty satisfaction: And they honestly wonder why “their faculty colleagues” voted to unionize? Later in the docket for the Nov 1 meeting the issue of evaluations of university presidents comes…

Political diversity at UO

10/29/2012: The University of Iowa Law School was sued in 2009 for failing to hire a conservative instructor. The ruling just came out, and is described by Peter Schmidt in the Chronicle: In a case in which the University of Iowa College of Law stood accused of political bias for…