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Posts published by “uomatters”

OSU passes UO as "best buy"

according to the calculations of former NYTimes education editor Ed Fiske. We’re now off his best buy list entirely. The RG has the story: OSU makes best-buy listAfter tuition increases, the University of Oregon fails to make the list of top college values this year … New UO President Michael Gottfredson…

Duck giving reduces giving to UO academics

Presumably this includes the $5 million Robin Jaqua gift, which Rob Mullens swiped for the Jock Box back in January. Story today from Inside Oregon: Overall, giving in fiscal 2012 totaled $51,737,551 in support of academics, mainly for current purposes and endowments. Athletics programs received $55,950,231, which included significant support for expansion of…

UO building and classroom priorities?

I’m posting this as a place for people to comment on what they think are important priorities for UO campus buildings and what features should be prioritized in new classrooms. 8/22/2012. A commenter notes that Academic Affairs has a committee and a website for reporting issues with specific classrooms:


8/23/2012: Ian Campbell of the ODE gets a few quotes from students. The EW posts a shout out. Word from the Fishbowl is that students are planning a series of investigations, complaints and so on. Meanwhile the RG is still digging into the scandal, you know there’s more coming. Why not…

Randy Geller takes charge

I’m guessing the exchange below has something to do with AD Rob Mullens’s efforts to start random drug testing of UO’s “student athletes”, and the efforts by the Senate to make him run that policy and change in UO’s OAR’s through the UO Senate first. Instead of resolving this by meeting…