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Posts published by “uomatters”

Lariviere hires Berdahl

10/7/2011: From Greg Bolt in the RG: Robert Berdahl will work just under half time, about two days a week, on a variety of efforts, such as helping align the state’s ongoing restructuring of higher education with Lariviere’s proposals for how the higher education system should be run and funded.…

Double secret redactions

10/5/2011: Want to know what the NCAA’s cleaner Michael Glazier is doing in exchange for the $150,000 UO is paying him? Good luck – here’s what the August invoice looks like, after the UO Public Records office is done with it: The UO administration has no problem making the academic…

concussions and obesity

10/5/2011: From Frank Deford at NPR: All the worse, the current national model has it that some impoverished kid from the inner city risks concussions and obesity to play football in order to pay for the scholarship of a javelin thrower and the salary of an assistant swimming coach and…

More students, no more crime

10/4/2011: (Updated) UO’s Clery Act crime statistics for 2010-2011 are now available. I’m no econometrician, but I don’t see an increase – certainly not after you adjust for the 10% increase in students from 2008-2010. (Except for an arson blip and a shift from disciplinary referrals to arrests, for drugs…

Guns on campus

9/28/2011: (Edited in response to an anonymous comment.) Sanne Godfrey of the ODE reports that Frances Dyke and Doug Tripp are all but sure to get final approval for a fully sworn, armed UO Police force, at the 10/7/2011 OUS meeting. And Bill Graves of the Oregonian reports that the…