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Posts published by “uomatters”

Coffee with the Chief – of a fully sworn, armed, and PERSed Police Force  On Friday, January 28, 2011, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., the University of Oregon will host “Coffee with the Chief” in the Mills International Center. Chief Doug Tripp from the University Of Oregon Department Of Public Safety (UODPS) will be joined by Assistant Chief Carolyn McDermed, Dean of…

10 year tenure clock

rejected by the Michigan faculty. The interesting part? For faculty members hired as assistant professors at Michigan, tenure is not a certainty. Between 1982 and 2004, 54.6 percent of those hired as assistant professors received tenure, according to Michigan’s office of budget and planning.  It is almost unheard of for…

OC interview issue

1/25/2011: The Oregon Commentator provides excellent interviews with campus notables in its latest issue. Mostly campus notables who haven’t been on campus long enough to know that they will regret it. Our new Dean of Students, Paul Shang, for example: OC: The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has listed…

It’s easy pickings

searching through the UO accounts for expenses for our “self-supporting” athletic department that are actually paid by the academic side. The $2 million in general funds for the Jock Box tutoring is just one example. Here’s another – our NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative: I’d never even heard of this position…