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Posts published by “uomatters”


6/12/2010: There is an article on the latest shifts in athletic conferences in USA Today here, and another on the PAC-16 specifically here. My takeaway is that college football is getting even more profitable, and that players and academics will continue to get nothing from it – so, uh, who…

Go Ducks

6/9/2010: I thought Masoli had been kicked off the team after the laptop theft, but I can’t keep them straight anymore. Not sure if possession really should count, but it looks like this will move the Ducks up in the Fulmer Cup rankings. Does Kelly’s contract have a penalty for…

Faculty raises:

6/8/2010: This is rumor but we hear President Lariviere is still going to push to raise faculty pay. For full prof’s this is the lowest in the AAU by 10% and is currently at 84% of our “peer institutions.” Most of the raises will go to the full’s as a…

Economist on state budget

6/6/2010: UO Economist Tim Duy has a sobering Op-Ed in the Oregonian on the state’s budget: … Another lesser known trend is battering the state — the steady decline in average wages relative to the rest of the nation. From 1987 to 1997, average wages increased from 88.9 percent to…

Union facebook site

6/5/2010: The UO faculty/OA union organizers now have a facebook site: UO Matters is jealous: we have a site too,!/group.php?gid=123723880990459&v=wall&ref=ts but we can’t figure out how to get it to update automatically from this blog feed.