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Posts published by “uomatters”

New Law School Dean

6/22/2010: UO has posted a job ad for Dean of the Law School. I hadn’t heard anything about Margie Paris leaving. She was appointed as interim Dean after a 2006 search gone bad, but I thought it became a permanent position for her in 2008. Does anyone know what’s up?…

Teaching Evaluations

6/22/2010: In the NYTimes, Stanley Fish is outraged over what’s happening in Texas: Now an entire state is on the brink of implementing just that bite-sized style of teaching under the rubric of “customer satisfaction.” …  the plan calls for college and university teachers to contract with their customers —…

Is cheerleading a sport?

6/21/2010: Ever since Kilkenny dropped wrestling for cheerleading, it’s been obvious that the courts would have to decide this issue someday. links to this story, arguments begin today in US District Court in CT: A federal judge is being asked to decide whether cheerleading can be counted as a…

The Log Cabin Democrat

6/21/2010: This has nothing to do with UO, but how often do you get to hyperlink to a newspaper called The Log Cabin Democrat? University of Central Arkansas faculty and non-classified employees will not see the pay increase of 2.2 percent originally pledged to them at a May meeting of…


6/20/2010: The PAC-n expansion is way outside my area of expertise. You’d need a PhD in economics to understand if there’s even a pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium to this game. Rob Moseley has a good piece in today’s RG. Maybe it’s sour grapes, but the quotes from former UO AD…

UO needs a lawyer

6/19/2010: UO has now posted a job announcement for the General Counsel job: … at least fifteen years of law practice experience ….  To ensure full consideration, please submit a cover letter, resume, and the names of three professional references by July 8, 2010. … The committee will strongly prefer…

Rewarding Strivers

6/18/2010: From the blurb from the new Century Foundation book on access to higher education, Rewarding Strivers: Obstacles are more closely associated with class than race, suggesting affirmative action should be primarily about socioeconomic status. Racial discrimination continues to play a role in education, but its influence is dwarfed by…

Diversity and the Law

6/15/2010: The AAAS and the AAU and the Sloan Foundation recently hired a team of lawyers to write a thoughtful and carefully argued 200 page book, elaborating on what is “legally sustainable” in university diversity programs and what is not. Press release and link here. Very interesting reading.

Faculty raises announced …

6/14/2010: … at the University of Florida. From Paul Fain in the Chronicle: Despite struggles with years of budget cuts, the University of Florida announced on Friday a broad package of pay raises for faculty members. The 4-percent merit raises buck a national trend of wage freezes at public universities…

Administrator evaluations

6/13/2010: Just about finished up with grading here – another 120 pages to go. My students have already done their evaluations of me. Getting feedback isn’t always pleasant, but that’s sort of the point. UO requires student evaluations for every course I teach, and these evaluations are part of what…

Have a public search for the Diversity VP job – a nutty idea?

6/3/2010: Martinez makes a lot of his Hispanic background. But he doesn’t speak Spanish. 5/31/2010: See update below on OIED hiring issues, details on this later.5/25/2010: See update below on NIH grants. Almost unbelievable, but all from See update below on Associate Professor / tenure.  5/20/2010: Here are a…