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Posts published by “uomatters”

Parking 2

4/27/2010: Parking pdate: The ODE follows up their excellent reporting on parking with an angry editorial: … What’s more, more than a third of the 377 spots in the arena parking structure are reserved for users of the Jaqua Academic Center for Student-Athletes. DPS paying for the arena structure bond…

Goodbye Kilkenny

4/27/2010: Lariviere leaves no doubt who is in charge. From Ron Bellamy in the RG: Lariviere said that at times he re-directed Kilkenny when he felt that the search was heading in a direction with which he wasn’t comfortable. “Not that Pat was promoting a particular person, but a name…

Lariviere on Knight

4/25/2010: From Steve Duin’s column in the Oregonian, well worth reading it all: “I’m looking at the Knight Library,” Lariviere said. “I have my back to the Knight Law School. And I can name several of the professors sitting in the 22 Knight-endowed chairs. We are incredibly lucky Penny and…

Where’s Frohnmayer?

4/23/2010: The Daily Emerald, RG and the Oregonian have stories on the Grier firing. The RG includes a picture of the $2.3 million hug – thanks Greg! Dave Frohnmayer has not yet said a word in public about the Bellotti scandal or about the firing of the woman who served…

Lariviere fires Melinda Grier, wants replacement by Friday

4/22/2010: From Jeff Manning at the Oregonian. Obviously Lariviere has some guts and he is now taking charge: Melinda Grier, the attorney at the center of a controversy surrounding the University of Oregon athletic department, appears to be on her way out. University President Richard Lariviere and Oregon Attorney General…

Daily Emerald Editors

4/22/2010: The ODE Editors manage to combine most current UO issues into one opinion: … The library parking lot is central to preserving the divide between those who work and those who drink. On any given night, good, clean, sober students exiting Knight Library in the wee hours of the…

Sunshine and Goodness

4/21/2010: President Lariviere is apparently going to implement a system whereby all faculty will have access to the BANNER accounting system, and he is going to remove authority over public records requests from Melinda Grier and Doug Park’s office, and give it to the UO Archivist or to Media Relations.…


4/20/2010: Dave Martinez and Alex Tomchak Scott have an excellent article in the Daily Emerald today about parking. Takeaway is that UO raised the student parking fee from $125 to $300 and the quantity demanded fell from 4000 to 1000. I’m no economist, but I think they call that elastic,…

Oregonian story on Lariviere

4/20/2010: Bill Graves of the Oregonian has a long story on President Lariviere: The State Board of Higher Education expects him to “get things under control” and put athletics “in proper perspective,” said Paul Kelly,  board president. “The indications are, he is going to be a good leader,” Kelly said,…