See below for some light live-blogging. So far my takeaway is that most of the trustees haven’t done their homework and are asking softball questions, when they have any questions at all. Note that Wednesday’s public committee meetings and the executive (closed) meeting of the board are in the Art…
Posts published by “uomatters”
Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms)3:00 – 5:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. Call to order Introductory Remarks; Senate President Bill Harbaugh 3:15 PM Approval of Minutes February 13, 2019 and May 8, 2019 3:16 PM Business / Reports: Deactivation of Ombuds committee; Heather Quarles (RL) – see Report: Faculty Personnel…
From InsideHigherEd, here. Read it all. The intro: Boost for Community Colleges Means 1-Year Bust for Universities New analysis of Oregon Promise tuition-free scholarship program found that it increased community college enrollment but decreased enrollment at four-year institutions in the first year, and that fewer first-generation and low-income students benefited…
Blurb at list at
Update: The Chronicle’s Zipporah Osei has an interview with me here (gated off campus). Q. Do you think you would’ve been able to work with the administration, given the reputation you have with your blog? A. Ironically, I have a very good working relationship with the university’s current president, Michael H.…
The email sent on his behalf below would seem to go against the advice in President Schill’s Open Mike from last week, which said: Transparency is the best policy. Whenever possible administrators should be as forthcoming as possible, subject to the privacy rights of members of our community. as well as…
Colleagues, I am the first person to admit that I am not an expert when it comes to social media and the way that information is consumed, created, and shared in our digital-first world. I like to follow friends on Facebook and I fully appreciate that Instagram and Snapchat are…
5/17/2019 update:
The Oregonian’s Rob Davis reveals still more of the documents UO tried to hide from the public, including more new information about the redactions by Kevin Reed’s Public Record Office.
If I understand the story right, Reed’s office let the lobbying group decide what UO should redact from UO’s public records. They made some interesting choices. Weird. Full story here with links to all the records:
What UO didn’t want the public to know about industry group’s climate bill opposition
… The newly released documents documents include the alliance’s legislative updates, lobbyist reports and memorandums to members. The university originally contended portions of the documents were protected by the attorney-client privilege and by an exemption allowing material submitted confidentially to be withheld in very narrow circumstances.
Ed Finklea, the alliance’s natural gas director, told The Oregonian/OregonLive it was the energy alliance’s attorney who made the redactions when the university released the records. Molly Blancett, a school spokeswoman, said the university “always solicits the input of third parties when it comes to their records that have made their way to the university’s possession.”
The clean documents show a consistent theme in what was initially redacted: References to potential benefits of Brown’s proposed climate change bill. …
5/14/2019 update:
I have it from a generally reliable source that, as of yesterday, UO has withdrawn its membership in AWEC, the industry group that is lobbying against Governor Brown’s Cap and Trade legislation.
5/12/2019: It backfired. Rob Davis has the story in the Oregonian, here. A few snippets:
That would be UC-Santa Barbara: Here at UO, the administration is about to decide that we should should spend ~$100K a year on “Faculty Tracking Software”.
5/14/2019 update: I’ll be submitting my application tonight, and I’ll post it along with letters of recommendation. Thanks for your support. 4/28/2019: Dear Colleagues – I am writing to ask for your support for my candidacy as UO Provost. I’ll be submitting a full application per President Schill’s call, but…
Well, at least the building has nice new offices for the deans and VP for Equity and Inclusion. Rumor has it that the new Tykeson advisors will receive just 2 hours of training from departments over the summer, before they start advising students in the fall. Link here, full text…
Hannah Kanik has the good news in the Daily Emerald, here.
Jeff Manning has the report in the Oregonian here. A snippet: Shoureshi fired several high level employees. Others quit to get away from him. By last fall, trustees had heard enough complaints to convince them Shoureshi needed a wake-up call. Castillo and two other trustees, Pete Nickerson and Hinkley, met…
From Raghu’s always informative Eighteenth Elephant blog. Read it all, this is just a snippet: Our Provost at the University of Oregon has stepped down, and there’s a call for nominations for a new one. The search will be internal, i.e. the next provost will be a UO faculty member. Bill Harbaugh…
May Legislative Update With the June 30th deadline for adjournment just over a month and a half away, the Oregon Legislature is nearing a final vote on a $2 billion revenue package, is considering over 90 amendments to a comprehensive joint “carbon action plan,” and is considering various proposals for addressing…