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Posts published by “uomatters”

Are Josh Hunt’s claims about Knight and the Frohnmayer’s FARF false?

11/5/2018 second update: Lynn Frohnmayer: ‘University of Nike’ exploits my family’s tragedy to support a false narrative: To be clear, I think Frohnmayer was wrong to have UO join the WRC and I sent Knight a letter saying that at the time. To paraphrase Karl Marx, it’s capitalism and people…

Get Out the Vote

From the faculty union: GOTV Rally Today, Monday November 5 11:30-12:15 at the EMU amphitheater Event information: “Join us on November 5 for our Get Out the Vote Rally with Senator Ron Wyden, Senator Jeff Merkley, Congressman Peter DeFazio, and a special guest! With only one day before the election, there…

Use of student evals for promotion and tenure banned in Canadian labor case

A extensive report here: In a precedent-setting case, an Ontario arbitrator has directed Ryerson University to ensure that student evaluations of teaching, or SETs, “are not used to measure teaching effectiveness for promotion or tenure.” The SET issue has been discussed in Ryerson collective bargaining sessions since 2003, and a formal…

Carl Malamud defeats State of Georgia, can post their annotated laws online

Report here: The 11th Circuit appeals court has just overturned a lower court ruling and said that Georgia’s laws, including annotations, are not covered by copyright, and it is not infringing to post them online. This is big, and a huge win for online information activist Carl Malamud whose was the…