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Posts published by “UO Matters”

New Oregon public records law leaves truck-sized deadline loophole

From Lots of testimony from Pete Shepherd, who as Deputy AG did so much to destroy the promise of Dave Frohnmayer’s public records law – and famously lost the PERS case to the Oregonian, while working for Harrang et al.  The new law, which comes out of AG Ellen Rosenblum…

UO hires Barran & Liebman’s Shayda Le, pleas for more time on Freyd lawsuit

From the docket here: ORDER: Granting Defendant’s Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Answer 6 . Answer is due by 5/18/2017. Ordered by Judge Michael J. McShane. (cp) (Entered: 04/17/2017) Attorney Shayda Le of Portland’s Barran Liebman law firm is the same lawyer our administration hired, along with partner Edwin Harden, to defend…

UO Trustee inspires her husband to promote government transparency

The NYT has the story here: … Her answer: “A, it won’t, because there are things government doesn’t get to, and B, you’re missing it.” Mr. Ballmer replied, “No, I’m not.” That conversation led Mr. Ballmer to pursue what may be one of the most ambitious private projects undertaken to answer…

Cornell wants to discipline student for leaking memo, faculty object

From the Chronicle, here: Faculty members at Cornell University are speaking out against its decision to hold a hearing to determine whether a student who shared an internal working document with the campus newspaper should be punished, The Cornell Daily Sun reports. … The document detailed proposed changes in the…

State dials back on poorly designed free community college plan

That would be the State of Kentucky, here. Meanwhile, here in Oregon, the state legislature is on the way to expanding its poorly designed free community college plan. The technical term is “lose-lose”. Saul Hubbard has an excellent story on the results of Oregon State Senator Mark Haas’s experiment: free community college…

Will Gorsuch take away Altman and Taggart’s piggybank?

The well respected Sports Illustrated law journal (Impact Factor 789,321) has the analysis here: … The need for harmonious interpretation of federal law could become relevant as it relates to the O’Bannon decision. Both a federal district judge and a three judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit…

Pres Schill’s “Open Mike” acknowledges importance of UO’s Non-Tenure Track Faculty, but

Dear Colleagues, As my two-year anniversary as president of the University of Oregon approaches, enough time has elapsed for me to do some assessment and make some course corrections. Over the past 21 months we have achieved quite a number of things. We have hired great new deans for five…

Female professors outperform men in service – and it hurts their careers

From Colleen Flaherty in Insidehighered: Women shoulder a disproportionately large workload at home in ways that might disadvantage them professionally. But are female professors also “taking care of the academic family” via disproportionate service loads? A new study says yes and adds to a growing body of research suggesting the…