Dave Hubin’s Public Records Office doesn’t seem to want to make that public. So I’ve cced Doug Park on the followup. We’ll see if he’ll oblige. Surely Doug Park and Doug Blandy were careful to put the terms for an important investigation like this in writing. Right? Or were they so afraid that…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
2/5/2015 update: A reader passes along this Brad Shelton powerpoint, which among other things documents the $1.5M Moffitt to Moffitt transfer: The bottom line though, is that there’s plenty of water in the well. Or at least that’s what Brad Shelton was telling UO’s academic deans in September: I wonder…
I went to a couple of the finalist interviews and looked through the resumes. I thought Ms Resnick was the best candidate, and I think this hire is good news for UO: Date: February 5, 2015 at 4:29:40 PM PST From: “Human Resources” <[email protected]> Subject: Personnel Announcement from Jamie Moffitt,…
Tobin Klinger, UO’s $115K Deputy Strategic Communicator, has a rather saccharine-sweet report on Session I in “Around the 0”: Maybe the rest of Mr. Klinger’s post has content. I wouldn’t know, I barely made it to the toilet. Jennifer Winters’ report on last week’s Senate meeting is even worse. Some might…
Alea iacta est. I’m posting it all, despite the threats from VPAA Doug Blandy and Barbara Altmann, the claim of Interim President Scott Coltrane that this is unlawful, and the protests of Interim Provost Frances Bronet that it is immoral. I am not saying how I got these archives, and…
to make room for yet another Duck sports egofice: The new facility will be named the Jane Sanders Stadium after a UO cheerleader who attended the university in the late 1940s. Diane Dietz has the story in the RG, here. It touches on a lot of interesting UO history. I…
They won’t of course. The first rule of Dave Hubin’s Public Records office is to delay, redact, and charge out the butt for anything that might conceivably embarrass the Johnson Hall administration, or even just help the public understand what the hell is going on at Oregon’s flagship public university.…
A podcast for The Oregon Daily Emerald, here: Emerald reporters Dahlia Bazzaz and Alexandra Wallachy discuss news events from week 4 at the University of Oregon and beyond, including: a leak of 22,000 UO admin. records, … It starts with an excellent summary of the UO presidential archive release. About 7 minutes…
The Chronicle of Philanthropy has the news: A federal judge today handed open-records activist Carl Malamud a victory in his battle to get the Internal Revenue Service to release Form 990 tax returns in a format that can be read by computers, thus making information about nonprofit operations far more…
Thanks to a student for forwarding the message – here’s hoping Doug Park doesn’t try to nail me on a FERPA violation for posting it: University of Oregon Young Americans for Liberty will be meeting at 6:30 tonight in Peterson 103. We will be walking over to the Knight Law Center together to…
1/29/2015 update: Rich Read of the Oregonian reports on Wednesday’s UO Senate meeting, here: … Harbaugh sees both farce and tragedy in his latest episode, LibraryGate. He called Coltrane’s email alleging unlawful release of records “outrageously premature judgment on his part, and I’m assuming Tobin Klinger wrote it – but I can’t be sure…
Summary: A kickass meeting. Large turnout. Coltrane and Lim are generally forthright. Coltrane and Library Dean Lim commit to public review of UO public records problems. That’s my takeaway from their generally positive and constructive statements and the Q&A at today’s Senate meeting. (Archives too). A public review of Dave Hubin’s…
1/28/2015 update: Interim Provost Bronet releases statement: Friends and colleagues, Many of you are following with interest the recent release of electronic documents, which bypassed archival processing procedures, and the university’s efforts to get those documents back. I am pleased to inform you that the documents have been returned. Our separate…
1/27/2015 update: Guilty on all counts, here. What happened to the coach who brought them to campus? He’s now Penn State’s well-paid head coach, and has “no comment”. 1/24/2015: I’m not much for trigger warnings, but this needs one. From the Nashville Tennessean, here.