In the Oregonian, here. In case anyone is wondering how the Ducks affect state sentiment for a more independent UO. While I’m posting random links, anyone remember this particular bit of Duck intimidation? Even those who disagree with Sohlberg’s challenge to the sign could have been more vigorous in upholding…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
8/4/2012: Jeff Manning of the Oregonian has a story on the woes of recent Oregon law school graduates: increasing debt, flat salaries, falling employment rates. One fact that surprised me: over the past 10 years the number of Oregon lawyers has increased by 10%, about the same rate as population…
That would be Governor McDonnell of Virginia (R), reacting to the UVA President turmoil – and not Governor Kitzhaber of Oregon (D). Washington Post story here. 8/1/2012.
From the most interesting legal blog. David Post raises new questions about the NCAA’s fine of Penn State: So the NCAA has now imposed sanctions on the Penn State athletic program for its many failures, including a $60 million fine and various other restrctions on their athletic program (designed, as the NCAA…
Phil owns us. I think this was pretty well proven when Knight took away the law school professors’ parking lot for the jocks to use while they were getting tutored. But just in case there was any doubt, a curious law student dug up this: From: Zach Spier> Date: July 16,…
at Cal Tech. Something about the students not taking courses seriously. Right. The NCAA infractions committee – paid by the colleges – is wasting its time on this, while burying their head in the sand on serious problems. It’s intentional. 7/16/2012.
big time athletics enabled "Sandusky to attract potential victims to the campus and football events"
7/12/2012: From the NYT on the Freeh report on Penn State: “In order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders at the university – Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley – repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky’s child abuse,” the report said. Paterno “was an integral part of…
Not sure why this took me so long to find. The San Francisco Chronicle, 2005: UC’S PAID LEAVES CALLED ‘BETRAYAL’ – REGENTS’ EDICT IGNORED – 3 top managers were given lucrative furloughs in violation of university policy: Former UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Berdahl received a 13 1/2-month leave at $315,600…
7/9/2012: From the WaPo: Traditional academic jobs are scarcer than ever. Once a primary career path, only 14 percent of those with a PhD in biology and the life sciences now land a coveted academic position within five years, according to a 2009 NSF survey. That figure has been steadily declining…
From The University of Illinois announced Tuesday that it will pay $175,000 to Lisa Troyer to give up her tenured position in the psychology department at the Urbana-Champaign campus. A brief statement said that the university “has not initiated, and will not initiate, any disciplinary process.” Troyer moved to…
That’s the conclusion from a new paper by economist Michael Anderson from Berkeley, that uses Vegas odds to control for endogeneity: According to the report, if a college improves its season wins by 5 games, it can expect alumni athletic donations to increase by $682,000 (28 percent), applications to increase…
I’ll be making a public records request for the 2012-2013 contracts for the usual Johnson Hall suspects, at the beginning of July. In past years these have yielded info on all sorts of interesting financial arrangements. Post a comment if there’s anything you are particularly interested in seeing. 6/27/2012.
A UO economist’s study shows medical marijuana doesn’t increase HS marijuana use. And people call this this the dismal science? On the other hand, football wins are bad news for UO students’ grades. I wonder what will come out of the economics department next? 6/25/2012.
for the next few weeks. 6/20/2012.