at the shoulder if a college athlete tried this. From George Schroeder in the RG. 6/18/2012.
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
6/18/2012: Robert Samuelson had a recent column, “‘College for all’ mindset compounds problem“, arguing that the US probably has enough college graduates, or close to it. But are the right students going to college? High math ability students from low income families have less than half the chance of attending…
6/17/2012: If I was an economist I could give a whole lecture – hell, a whole course – on Nixon’s great achievements: Replaced the random enslavement of the draft with a paid, professional military. Established the EPA Got us off the gold standard Created the Earned Income Tax Credit Signed…
6/15/2012: Harry Esteve has the story, and a request in the online comments for help from readers with more information.
6/15/2012: From the Chronicle: A Missed Opportunity? In his original proposal for the study, back in 2009, the then-president of the Association of American Universities, Robert M. Berdahl, said he’d like an evaluation of whether the country might simply have too many universities competing for its federal research dollars. ……
Jack Bog reports, here. In the comments here ideas on what UO should and shouldn’t do for commencement ceremonies are welcome. Me, I like the small department ceremonies. 6/13/2012.
6/7/2012: From InsideHigherEd: … The group has asked the dean and other top officials at the university’s school of medicine to write letters of apology to the professor, admit to errors of judgment, stop proposed disciplinary actions against him and take steps to prevent future violations of academic freedom. This…
6/3/2012: A quick and dirty search finds ~160 unclassified 0.49 FTE appointments – meaning people with a large UO commitment, but no UO health benefits. I don’t know what proportion are faculty, but it’s clearly significant, and this will likely be an important issue for the CBA.
6/2/2012: John Lombardi of InsideHigherEd gives the shocking details here. But what to make of the fact that Coach Kelly charged the Willie Lyles payoff to the “Books Publication & Other Ref.” account? And I wonder what players Otto Harrassowitz recruited to the Ducks? I’d look into it, but I…
Because that’s what’s wrong with Oregon education – not enough administrators. Betsy Hammond has the story in the Oregonian. Never heard of this guy. Anyone? 5/29/2012: He’s an outsider with a reputation for shaking things up. Let’s give him a chance. Mostly positive editorial in Oregonian.
5/30/2012: Wishywashy, here.
5/29/2012: At the most recent UO Senate meeting President Rob Kyr announced that Pres Berdahl had asked him to appoint committees to address three issues: conflicts of interest, personal attacks, and leadership. Don’t get me started on the UO administration’s surplus of conflicts of interests and their shortage of leadership.…
5/28/2012: This suit may shed some interesting light on how Lane DA Alex Gardner deals with public records petitions, since SB242 gave him authority over UO public records. The requests in this story seem loosely related to Handy and Sorenson’s violation of the public meetings law and they look very…
to support his efforts to get a permanent contract. 5/24/2012. It mostly worked, update from Dash Paulson in the ODE: … The meeting produced an agreement to retain DeBevoise another year and for the College of Arts and Sciences to open up a “conversation” on establishing a Middle Eastern Studies…