From the RG, here. It’s a special allocation from the state legislature, to help the Oregon Track Club pay for security at the Track and Field Olympic Trials. In totally unrelated news, the Springfield school district budget committee is meeting Thursday to figure out how to deal with cuts in…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
5/23/2012: From John Russell of the UO Libraries. The link to the petition to President Obama is at the bottom, you have to register to sign but it is quick. Open access advocates have created a White House petition asking the President to consider expanding the Public Access Policy of…
5/22/2012: A University of Oregon summer college prep program for underprivileged middle schoolers ally-ooped a Springfield teenager into the loving arms of Bill and Melinda Gates — who will pay for her college education from freshman year to doctoral degree. … “Particle physics,” she said. “What I really want to…
A reader asks: What can UO Matters do at this critical juncture in the search process to create a constructive environment? How can UO Matters help market the UO to potential presidents? What can be done now and in the next months and years to foster engagement between the faculty…
5/20/2012: From Ted Sickinger in the Oregonian. I’m no finance professor, but there seems to be a lot of long-run downside risk here for the state – and not much for the investment advisors, who take their fees and bonuses off the top.
5/17/2012: From Jack Bogdanski: There ought to be a law that no press releases can be written by government flacks until government is current in filling public records requests. This would put quite a crimp in the output of the Duck’s press office.
5/17/2012: For better or worse, we’ll have one soon. What should her top 5 priorities be?
5/17/2012: That’s the explanation the SacBee gives for the lucrative UO trade in CA students. Complete with Roger Thompson quote. Not a popular argument with the UO central administration, which loves spending that out-of-state tuition money on sports and on their own junkets to bowl games (link fixed) – and…
I mistakenly deleted all comments to UO Matters from 5/12 or so til now. I’m very sorry, there were some good ones too! I tried to recover them, but can’t. I really appreciate comments and the discussions that often develop. They make the blog much more interesting and I hope…
5/14/2012: The average debt for a student graduating with a bachelor’s is about the same as the loan for a new car, and the average return is considerable larger. A lot of graduates have to get an installment loan online to help them pay back what they owe, but it’s…
5/14/2012: Voting for UO Senate etc. closes tomorrow TODAY, log onto duckweb to vote. Oh yeah, state ballots too.
5/14/2012: From on UT student support for president’s plan for tuition increases. The Chronicle suggest he may be fired by the board of regents. UO’s proposed increases are on this OUS docket, which presumably passed: In comparison to UO, the UT President apparently has a careful plan to use…
5/9/2012: President Rob Kyr and Interim President Bob Berdahl will speak with the legislative committee on this, 5/10/2012. Agenda and remarks here.
5/8/2012: The Eugene city council has just voted to give UO $400,000 a year. How’s that? The upscale downtown Capstone apartments will get a $800,000 annual tax exemption from the city. These are aimed at wealthy out-of-state students, for whom UO competes regionally, nationally and internationally. Parents shop around, looking…
5/8/2012: 15% of Americans now get food stamps. According to this story in the Chronicle, the proportion of people with advanced degrees getting food stamps or other federal assistance has tripled since 2006 – to about 1.5%.