5/4/2012: Back in 2007 President Frohnmayer and Charles Martinez were putting UO through their expensive and pointless “5 Year Diversity Action Plan” mess. Meanwhile a group of 22 other universities started an evidence based program to improve college success among low-income and minority students. Their results have started to come…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
5/3/2012: In the Oregonian: Kitzhaber saves Oregon budget and his reputation in health care deal with Obama administration
5/3/2012: Lorraine Davis has caved on her quixotic quest to have it called “subsidized parking”. Yup, better not to open that can of athletic worms. So the Emeritus Policy is now in effect and in the UO policy library, here. Key point: you must have been a full professor for…
5/2/2012: The LA Times discusses a proposal to let Cal States schools do this. Oregon started this under Frohnmayer, and currently about half the UO President’s pay is from the UO Foundation. The problem is that the foundations are typically run by sports boosters. They either divert funds that should…
Gains and Gaps: Changing Inequality in U.S. College Entry and Completion Martha J. Bailey, Susan M. Dynarski NBER working paper 17633 We describe changes over time in inequality in postsecondary education using nearly seventy years of data from the U.S. Census and the 1979 and 1997 National Longitudinal Surveys…
5/6/2012: Also see the links, quotes, and discussion on this UC-Berkeley page: “Sacred cows such as intercollegiate athletics continue to graze on the core academic programs of the institution.” – – Former President of University of Michigan James J. Duderstadt, The Future of the Public University in America. “More than…
4/27/2012 with updates: Like it or not, most UO faculty are now in a union. This union will need to negotiate a Collective Bargaining Agreement with our administrative overlords UO/OUS management and put it to a vote. The comments are open for suggested CBA clauses. No non-CBA comments on this…
4/29/2012: That would be Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindahl, firing LSU president John Lombardi yesterday. The LSU board members actually have some stones – it’s a 12-4 split, and some members are publicly accusing others of breaking the state’s public meetings law: Board member Tony Falterman said board Chairman Hank Danos…
4/28/2012: Ted Sickinger of the Oregonian continues his PERS investigations, with a story on double dipping. Lorraine Davis gets a shout-out, but no mention of her family football plan. Word is that Lorraine is furious about me exposing that deal – but not embarrassed enough to give back the money.…
comes to Oregon: Applications for the position of Global Scholars Hall Resident Scholar are being sought. … The primary responsibility of the Resident Scholar is to help shape the intellectual life of the students living in the Global Scholars Hall, in both formal and informal settings, through residence-based programs. This…
4/27/2012: Like it or not, most UO faculty are now in a union. This union needs by-laws and then a constitution. My understanding is that these are to be determined democratically. Why does this matter? The PSU union negotiated a 0.75% union dues deal with the AAUP. Way better than…
4/25/2012: Email sent yesterday: This email is being sent to all Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) employees on behalf of the OUS SB 242 Optional Retirement Plan Review Committee. This committee was formed as a result of Senate Bill 242 which requires OUS to review the current ORP plan and make…
From today’s retirement event for CAS Assoc Dean and Chief of Operations Marriane Nicols.
4/23/2012: The current list of Senate committee nominees and instructions for volunteering are here. I believe nominations close tomorrow. Incentives? Rumor down at the faculty club is that the provost will enter all faculty who volunteer for committee service into a raffle for a slightly used beamer.
4/23/2012: From the RG: “To trigger the law, five or more people would have to be present at a gathering where alcohol is being served and where at least two offenses are taking place, such as excessive noise … and public urination, officials said.”