4/19/2012: That’s the word from the ERB on the hearing to consider the UO unionization case: The hearing is set for May 7-9 here in our offices beginning at 9:00 a.m. The notice of the hearing will be posted no later than May 1 on our website (www.oregon.gov/ERB) and the…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
4/18/2012: Springfield school district graduated 897 HS students last year. 258 dropped out before graduation. 51% of the 2008 graduates have enrolled in college (including 2-year) at some point. 60% of the students are eligible for free or reduced lunch – for a family of four this means income below…
4/18/2012: In case you had no idea what was the source of that sweet smell drifting over from the “student athlete” apartments in The Kilkenny Towers. Patrick Malee has the story in the ODE. ESPN report here. The consensus is that the wide dissemination of the fact that Oregon law…
4/18/2012: At least that’s the word from our normally reliable source in Randy Geller’s office. Starting time is 9:00 AM, Room 340 in the Old Garfield School Building. 528 Cottage Street NE, Salem. More info to come.
for Sara Ganim, a 24-year-old newly graduated student reporter, for her work on the Penn State scandals.
Update: ODE story here. 4/13/2012: Rumor down at the faculty club is that he’s up for a job “in Chicago.” Update from Bill Graves: It’s president of the Field Museum of Natural History. Previous president was paid $509K. And from an anonymous correspondent, this great article in the Trib: The…
4/13/2012: In the Oregonian: “Wow. Just what cash-strapped prospective college students really need: Another web site”
4/12/2012: The “We are Oregon” ASUO presidential slate tried to pull a Bush and get themselves declared winners, but the student court slapped them down. Rebecca X of the Commentator has the commentary. Branden Alexander of the ODE gets a good quote on the “Katie and Alex” phishing scandal that…
Blogspot approval has been a little messed up for a few days, sorry if I missed a few. Let me ask people again to consider using a screen name to help keep the threads organized. You just click the drop down box, go to name/url and type in whatever you…
4/11/2012: UO will never have to worry about this sort of thing, right?
4/10/2012: KEZI has an informative broadcast:
4/10/2012: From Bill Graves in the Oregonian: The university is offering a $10,000-to-$40,000 cash incentive to faculty and staff who are at least 55 as of June 30 or have at least 30 years of retirement credit with an Oregon Public Employee Retirement System employer. … The retirement incentive was…
4/10/2012: From Joe Nocera in the NYT: Instead, universities do the opposite. With their phony majors and low expectations, they send the unmistakable message to the athletes that they don’t care what happens after their eligibility expires. It’s a disgrace. Instead, why not allow football players to major in, well,…
4/10/2012: A report from our Quebecois correspondent: Tuition hikes and student strikes What do Oregon and Quebec have in common? Six letters, beginning with a round thing, and an e in third place. But perhaps not much more. Take the student protest movement that has kept many students away from…
4/10/2012: From the United Academics Facebook page: April 4, 2012, forty-four years to the day after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated while advocating for the right of public sector workers to organize, the UO administration and its legal counsel – and Frohnmayer’s private legal firm – essentially declared…