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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

A natural mistake

From Josephine Woolington in the ODE on a break-in at the Jaqua jock box this morning: Officers responded around 6 a.m. and found the man in the bathroom sitting on the toilet. The officers handcuffed the man and said he thought the building was a nightclub. “Hey, is this where…


4/19/2012: The issue of the net social social value of this blog has come up in the comments. While not even an economist would argue that the revealed preferences of our readers and commenters means it must be positive, there is an argument from history, and from authority – no…

Reality check

4/18/2012: Springfield school district graduated 897 HS students last year. 258 dropped out before graduation. 51% of the 2008 graduates have enrolled in college (including 2-year) at some point. 60% of the students are eligible for free or reduced lunch – for a family of four this means income below…


Blogspot approval has been a little messed up for a few days, sorry if I missed a few. Let me ask people again to consider using a screen name to help keep the threads organized. You just click the drop down box, go to name/url and type in whatever you…