4/10/2012: KEZI has an informative broadcast:
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
4/10/2012: From Bill Graves in the Oregonian: The university is offering a $10,000-to-$40,000 cash incentive to faculty and staff who are at least 55 as of June 30 or have at least 30 years of retirement credit with an Oregon Public Employee Retirement System employer. … The retirement incentive was…
4/10/2012: From Joe Nocera in the NYT: Instead, universities do the opposite. With their phony majors and low expectations, they send the unmistakable message to the athletes that they don’t care what happens after their eligibility expires. It’s a disgrace. Instead, why not allow football players to major in, well,…
4/10/2012: A report from our Quebecois correspondent: Tuition hikes and student strikes What do Oregon and Quebec have in common? Six letters, beginning with a round thing, and an e in third place. But perhaps not much more. Take the student protest movement that has kept many students away from…
4/10/2012: From the United Academics Facebook page: April 4, 2012, forty-four years to the day after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated while advocating for the right of public sector workers to organize, the UO administration and its legal counsel – and Frohnmayer’s private legal firm – essentially declared…
4/9/2012: From a lawsuit filed in federal court, asking for $10,000 in damages from UO after DPS stopped 2 people riding bikes without lights. (PSO is “public safety officer”): I have a great deal of respect for UO’s public safety officers, who regularly deal with bad actors like this with…
4/10/2012 Update: Emily Schiola reports still more election craziness in the ODE. 4/9/2012: Two “slates” made it through the ASUO student primaries, voting in the final election runs all week. The “We Are Oregon” slate is made up of frat kids and looks like a front for the athletic department…
Any suggestions on what needs more/less/different coverage?
4/8/2012: Jack is in a nasty fight with a divorce lawyer and needs our help. Go here and vote for him.
Of course I’m not talking about UO. This is President Wim Weiwel at PSU. Oregonian story here. Link to their pretty transparent finance and administration page, here. Compare it with UO’s VPFA’s pretty but uninformative website, here. 4/8/2012.
4/7/2012: Word down here at the faculty club is that Frances Dyke and Jim Bean have left UO with $15 to $30 million in unfunded obligations. Jamie Moffitt thinks she can patch it up though. Or at least that’s what I think I’m hearing, the music’s pretty loud.
4/7/2012: I’m no law professor, or $600 an hour union busting lawyer $600 an hour defender of faculty members’ right to negotiate individually with the administration, but it seems obvious that a key point in the formation of a UO faculty union is the definition of the term faculty. On…
4/5/2012: From a Josephine Woolington story in the ODE on last term’s basketball fight: “It’s not wrong to videotape us (DPS). That’s OK,” said Carolyn McDermed, acting chief of DPS. “The cellphone was seized because it contained evidence of the crime. It was pertinent to the case.” DPS still has…
From the RG. Prison time for cheating the yuppies with fake organic corn?
is not getting a lot of respect from the Oregonian’s Steve Duin.