3/25/2012: This Insidehighered.com piece starts with the recent firing of Pres Michael Hogan from UI and then moves to a good discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of closed presidential searches such as that underway at UO: … “What all universities are trying to do is find a successor who…
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from the University of Illinois, because of his “dictatorial managerial style”. Glad to see faculty are regaining their traditional governance power somewhere. Thanks to Margaret Soltan for the link. 3/22/2012.
3/22/2012: From Insidehighered: (link now fixed, thanks anon) A federal appeals court on Wednesday reinstated a former graduate student’s lawsuit alleging that the University of Oregon retaliated against her for complaining about gender discrimination in her doctoral program. Experts said the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the…
Everywhere else it’s a slush-fest. Bring extra socks. 3/21/2012
But there’s a lot of repetition and I’m sort of swamped. Please consider limiting your comments.
3/19/2012: Interim President Bob Berdahl thinks the UO Senate Intercollegiate Athletics Committee is asking too many hard questions about athletics, and he is going to rewrite the committee’s charge to make it easier for the athletic department to have their way with UO. From what I can tell this is…
Some of these union comment threads are nasty. On the other hand there’s plenty of good information and interesting opinions too, even if some people just want to vent. In any case I am hardly one to talk, and I am not a censor and I will continue to post…
Updated 3/18/2012: The union organizers tell me they are reluctant to release this information for fear the administration will use it against them, but they tell me they are aware of people’s concern’s and are thinking about how to address them. One informed TTF writes in the comments: … let…
been at the opera. All caught up now.
3/16/2012: A Notre Dame philosophy professor muses on the cynical misuse of the term. In the NYT.
3/12/2012: Word is that the card check is done, and the cards will be submitted to the ERB tomorrow.
3/12/2012: Complaint against DPS to be filed over cell phone confiscation. Becky Metrick has the story in the ODE, and some great quotes – one arguing confiscation was probably OK, then this: In Schlossberg’s case, U.S. District Magistrate Judge Thomas Coffin determined that the Fourth Amendment protects privacy if that…
3/11/2012: Andy Stahl is running against Pete Sorensen for South Eugene Lane County commissioner. It’s district 3 – yes, even if you live in Eugene you vote for a county commissioner. The election is May15th, ballots are mailed out in about 6 weeks. It’s a nonpartisan position, so no primary.…
and their higher education reporter Bill Graves. Don’t hold your breath waiting for Graves to write something on George Pernsteiner’s perks or top 5 PERS beneficiary Dave Frohnmayer. His hatchet is for people like Lariviere and Berdahl who dare to disturb Oregon’s insider politics. I am not defending PERS tier…
Roughly two-thirds of presidents over all said they believed the past year’s scandals had “hurt the reputation of all higher education, not just the institutions involved,” and an overwhelming majority (86.9 percent) said they did not believe that the presidents of institutions with big-time sports programs were “in control” of…