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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

UO sports and integration

2/13/2012: I mostly agree that college sports has become “The New Plantation” and that it often seems that rule #1 for the NCAA is that “no black person can make money off college football”. Certainly not someone like Willie Lyles! But it wasn’t always like that – once college sports…

WTF, Arizona?

2/11/2012: From Mitch Smith in Arizona legislators are considering one bill that would punish college instructors whose speech or actions would violate broadcast obscenity standards and another bill designed to protect conservative faculty members from discrimination in getting hired or tenured.

Income matters more than race

2/9/2012: From HMHB “We have moved from a society in the 1950s and 1960s, in which race was more consequential than family income, to one today in which family income appears more determinative of educational success than race,” said Sean F. Reardon, a Stanford University sociologist. Professor Reardon is the…

UO versus the rest of OUS:

2/8/2012: Berdahl’s handout from the city club debate. UO gets half as much per “fundable student” (which apparently means in-state student) as OSU. This does not adjust for the fact their students are in more expensive programs, OSU has extension responsibilities. We do not seem to be giving huge subsidies…

Pres search forums Wed

CAMPUS FORUMS: PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH Wednesday, February 8, 2012   *3 p.m. in the EMU Ballroom Hosted by the University Senate All members of the university community and public are welcome and encouraged to participate. ROBERT BERDAHL, Interim University President will address the university community regarding the presidential search and other…

SUNY faculty union drops AAUP

2/6/2012: Scott Jaschik in The resolution pushing for disaffiliation set out a number of criticisms of the AAUP, saying that it had “not addressed the concerns of our professionals,” had “failed to coordinate government relations” efforts, had failed to always recognize UUP’s status in collective bargaining at SUNY, had…