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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Senate to meet Wed 4/24 to discuss and vote on academic matters

DRAFT. Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. All times are estimates. 3:00 P.M.   Call to order University update; Provost Banavar Introductory Remarks; Senate Pres Harbaugh Senate committee review report; Senate VP Skowron 3:30 PM   Approval of Minutes February 13, 2019 and April 10, 2019 3:31…

UO not very transparent about Pres Schill’s budget cut proposal

RG reporter Jordyn Brown has the story here: …  Additionally, UO refused requests for interviews with representatives of the Oregon Bach Festival, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, the Museum of Natural and Cultural History and the Labor Education and Research Center about the budget cuts. … This is what we…

Coach Altman: We will never pay players. Judge: Orders $6k payments to 53K “student-athlete” victims of NCAA antitrust violations

Dana Altman, from CBS sports: Steve Berkowitz, from USA Today: The plaintiffs’ lawyers have developed a list of roughly 53,000 football, men’s basketball and women’s basketball players who are set to get some share of the settlement money, according to Wednesday’s ruling. Those who played their sport for four years will get…

Tree-sitting global warming protest sure to boost UO’s enrollment yield

The last survey I was allowed to see showed that UO students listed our reputation for environmental studies and activism as a bigger part of their enrollment decision than the ~$120M Duck athletic empire. So with freshman tuition deposits due May 1, this protest couldn’t have come at a better…

“The Spirit of Transparency” to be laid to rest at budget cut Town Hall 2PM April 22, EMU Gumwood room

I was born in the town of Chaplin, Connecticut. New England towns are famous for their Town Hall form of governance. The town Selectmen (now mostly Selectwomen) make proposals about the budget, and then everyone – or every property-tax paying resident who cares – meets, discusses, and votes about the…

UO Senate votes to end numerical teaching evals. Vote on ACP delayed. Info on contacting state legislators on budget crisis.

4/10/2019: Results from today’s Senate meeting: After a presentation by Sierra Dawson (OtP), Lee Rumbarger (TEP), and a discussion with participation ranging from student senators on down to several unit heads responsible for instructor evaluation, and responses from the CIET committee members, and an amendment to require that the CIET…

GTFF bargaining moves to mediation

I had to miss Friday’s bargaining session, but it seems the administration finally responded to the GTFF’s economic proposal by repeating their previous proposal, throwing in an additional 0.5% per year to make it an even 1%. I know a few economists, and they tell me the western US consumer price index increased by 3.1 % last year, so as might have been predicted this did not go over well.

Likewise, while the administration’s proposal to move some of what it pays for GTFF health care (by all reports it’s a cadillac plan that puts PEBB to shame, although the GTFF did manage to cut what UO paid for it last year) and put it in salary, while optimal to a rational expected-income maximizing risk-neutral agent, is not so optimal under the assumption of utility-maximization and the resulting risk aversion that has been the working model of economists since before there were such things as economists (Bernoulli, 1738). Yes, I know that newer models of loss aversion from psychologists and behavioral economists make this result stronger, but they are not needed to predict the response here.

The messages from the GTFF and the administration are below the break.