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UO Matters

Roseburg homme de sang-froid sauve Train à Grande Vitesse

Le Gardien de Registre a le rapport ici. Plus dans Paris Match: Ils s’appellent Alek Skarlatos et Spencer Stone. Ils se connaissent depuis l’enfance. Ils sont devenus aujourd’hui de véritables héros salués comme tels par le président des États-Unis, Barack Obama, et le chef d’État français, François Hollande. Les deux…

Portland State didn’t bother googling alleged $100M donor’s name

Update: Say what you will about the Duck Athletic Department poaching gifts from the academic side – at least they make sure the donors are good for the money first. Jeff Manning has the latest on PSU here: When an obscure technology entrepreneur approached Portland State University earlier this month promising a record anonymous…

Final offers from OUS and SEIU submitted to arbitration

8/21/2015: There is a helpful chart comparing the proposals on the SEIU webpage here. My understanding is that the arbitrator now picks between the proposals, and if the SEIU bargaining team is not satisfied they can then give 30 days notice of a strike, which would likely start during move-in week at UO.

8/14/2015: Still no contract for UO’s staff

UO’s Tobin Klinger in denial about Jane Doe’s confidential counseling records

8/21/2015: Diane Dietz of the RG has more, here: UO psychology professor Jennifer Freyd, who pushed to make the UO counseling center records private, said she was “very, very pleased” with the Education Department’s guidance. “They’ve gone a long way to clarifying the situation,” Freyd said Thursday. “The only way people…

Pres Schill hires Kevin Reed from UCLA as UO VP and General Counsel

Updated with the UCLA Chancellor’s message. Resume and cover letter here, Info on the searches here. President Schill’s announcement: Colleagues, It is a distinct pleasure to share with you today that Kevin Reed has accepted the role of vice president and general counsel. He will play a critical role as chief…

United Academics President Michael Dreiling’s email on the faculty contract

Here’s the email Dreiling sent out today, summarizing what the union got for the faculty, and what we didn’t get. I think this is a very good contract, and shows that President Schill and the faculty union can work together to make UO better. I particularly like this part of Dreiling’s email: We…

How much do undergrads learn from a UO Economics degree?

A lot, in comparison to other UO majors and other AAU universities, according to the Student Experience in the Research University data on UO’s Institutional Research webpage here. SERU is a project at UC-Berkeley which reports measures of the academic development of important skills such as mathematics, writing, and critical thinking. You can use UO’s…

Bargaining XIX: 12:55 AM Friday, and we’ve got a deal. 8% + $650 + a look at equity

The TAed salary agreement is here.

Synopsis: It’s a win-win deal for UO President Michael Schill and the UO faculty. I’m no economist, but I think the technical term is Pareto improvement.

All in all a very fun, and rewarding, bargaining process. The administration’s team, led by Director of Employee Relations Bill Brady, has been very professional and collegial. As has the union’s team, led by UAUO Exec Director Dave Cecil. Everything wraps up with good feelings all around. Brady and UAUO President Michael Dreiling will put out a joint statement tomorrow. Contract ratification vote after fall classes start.

Including promotion raises this deal, which is spread out over 3.5 years, is roughly 3.5% per year. Average raises for continuing faculty at our AAU comparators were 3.4% last year. So we should be able to maintain faculty pay at ~94% of comparators, which the union got us to last round. On top of that there’s job security for NTTFs, etc. And none of the anti-academic freedom language that Coltrane’s administration had tried to add.

What an improvement over the 1% offer that Coltrane and Moffitt started with back in February. Michael Schill deserves credit for that – as does the union, which had to keep pushing the administration for a surprisingly long time.

President Schill starts office having negotiated a reasonable contract for the faculty, which should certainly help increase the good will he’s already accumulated since arriving.

The faculty can point to the 5 years of raises that the union has now negotiated as a precedent, and tell potential new hires that they can expect to be treated well.

The union can point to the reasonable deal, the generally non-adversarial negotiations, and the union’s willingness to agree to matters of importance to the administration, and put an end to past claims from Johnson Hall and some trustees that having a faculty union was somehow a bad thing for UO. No more “blame it on the union”. I hope.

There are still enough leftover items – like the administration’s intransigence on sharing financial information, their insistence on charging the faculty to see faculty records, and their refusal to put anything in the pot for equity – to give the union something to shoot for in the next contract.


  • 11:30 AM Thursday: Union proposal: 8.5% plus $4K in annual one-time payments. 4% ATB, 4.5% merit over 3.5 years. See below for details.
  • 4:20 PM: The admin team takes out all the one-time payments except $300 in mattress money. Offers 2% ATB, 5.5% merit over 3.5 years. 0% equity.
  • 7:44 PM: The union proposes $1500 one-time payment, 3.75% ATB, 4.5% merit. 
  • 10:44 PM: Admin comes up 0.25% to 7.75%. $300 one-time, 3.25% ATB and 4.5% merit. They will not agree to even study external equity problems. 
  • 11:44 PM: Union proposes 8% over 3.5 years. 3.5% ATB, 4.5% merit, $750 one time, and a study of external equity. 
  • 12:14 AM Friday: Administration agrees to the 8%, but only $500 one-time. Union asks for $650, insists on equity study.
  • 12:52 AM: Administration accepts the offer, and agrees to discuss the equity problems.
  • Deal.

FY 2016: 2% ATB, $650 one-time, pro-rated by FTE
FY 2017: 0.75% ATB, 2.25% merit pool
FY 2018: 0.75% ATB, 2.25% merit pool

Increased NTTF floors and job security. And an agreement to agree to an MOU to explore gender and external equity problems.

I should have got a shot of both bargaining teams together. Oh well, here are the UAUO negotiators:

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 2.04.38 AM

Uh, which baseless allegations is it this time, Klinger?

9/26/2015: Regarding the Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiner recommendation of a $5K fine against UO Director of Counseling and Testing Shelly Kerr for handing confidential counseling records to UO lawyers Doug Park and Sam Hill: “Klinger said administrators were “surprised and disappointed” by the board’s proposed disciplinary actions against Kerr.”…

Jane Doe’s therapist and Shelly Kerr’s assistant will sue UO over retaliation

[See below for email update] Morlok and Stokes deserve enormous respect for telling the truth about the UO General Counsel’s efforts to seize Jane Doe’s confidential counseling records. That revelation let to changes in Oregon law and may lead to changes in federal law as well. And now it seems that…