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UO Matters

Administrative alert!

ODE video here. Let the brown-nosing begin: June 14, 2012 To: UO students, faculty and staff University of Oregon students, faculty and staff are invited to attend the State Board of Higher Education’s formal vote to approve Michael Gottfredson as the next president of the University of Oregon and celebrate…

Irvine confuses UO Matters with OUS press office

Forwarded on to me from a few different UCI faculty: From: “Michael V. Drake, Chancellor” Subject: Leadership UpdateDate: June 11, 2012 10:27:01 AM PDTTo: “UCI Community”: ; Dear Colleagues, Earlier today, the Oregon University System announced that Michael R. Gottfredson, our executive vice chancellor and provost, is the sole candidate…

UO President Michael Gottfredson

 Some links (Also see ODE)   Oregonian on search and Gottfredson. All UC salary info is online, a consequence of the 2006 Berdahl scandal. Orange County Register search on Gottfredson Excellent google review‘s of his influential 1990 book, “A General Theory of Crime”. UCI puff piece Brief interivew on leaving, by…

New UO President?

6/7/2012: Word down at the faculty club is that the search has narrowed to an external candidate with serious academic chops, and that he/she may be on campus next week. Sounds like good news, and not a moment too soon.

Administrators discipline professor for criticizing NFL sponsored prostate screening festival

6/7/2012: From InsideHigherEd: … The group has asked the dean and other top officials at the university’s school of medicine to write letters of apology to the professor, admit to errors of judgment, stop proposed disciplinary actions against him and take steps to prevent future violations of academic freedom. This…