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UO Matters

EW on Lane public records change:

6/23/2012: From Camilla Mortenson: Currently the county manual says “fees shall be calculated to reimburse the county for actual costs in making records or information available.” Those fees include the full cost of the staff position providing the information plus 2.5 percent “to cover costs associated with building, maintenance, utilities,…

College for whom?

6/18/2012: Robert Samuelson had a recent column, “‘College for all’ mindset compounds problem“, arguing that the US probably has enough college graduates, or close to it. But are the right students going to college? High math ability students from low income families have less than half the chance of attending…

Independent board fires university president without consulting faculty.

6/19/2012: The NYT reports on Dragas’s firing of UVA Pres: The board’s united front showed its first serious cracks, as four of the 15 voting members sent an emissary on Sunday night to the president, Teresa Sullivan, to discuss the terms on which she would stay, according to people briefed…

More on Gottfredson in RG

6/16/2012: Diane Dietz of the RG on Gottfredson: Lots of info and many quotes, sounds like a solid guy. He starts Aug 1, which means Berdahl gets to approve the July round of contracts for the Johnson Hall crew. It will be interesting to see how many “special assistant” jobs…

Too many research universities?

6/15/2012: From the Chronicle: A Missed Opportunity? In his original proposal for the study, back in 2009, the then-president of the Association of American Universities, Robert M. Berdahl, said he’d like an evaluation of whether the country might simply have too many universities competing for its federal research dollars. ……