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UO Matters

PSU fires 40 managers?

4/13/2012: That’s the rumor, from an anonymous correspondent. They recently hired a rather controversial VPFA, Monica Rimai. And their website reports some serious budget problems. UO’s operations in Portland are also not doing well either – reportedly losing $3.5 million a year. Good thing we didn’t let Frohnmayer and Bean…


Blogspot approval has been a little messed up for a few days, sorry if I missed a few. Let me ask people again to consider using a screen name to help keep the threads organized. You just click the drop down box, go to name/url and type in whatever you…

Pernsteiner to update Senate on confidential presidential search in public meeting

Today, Phil Knight Library, Room 101 3:00 ‐ 5:00 pm  Some live notes: (My interpretation of what speakers mean, not their own words!) Lorraine Davis talks about OIEB benchmarks, then announces she is leaving the Senate meeting, but wants to say something about emeritus policy first. Why doesn’t the provost…

Let them major in football

4/10/2012: From Joe Nocera in the NYT: Instead, universities do the opposite. With their phony majors and low expectations, they send the unmistakable message to the athletes that they don’t care what happens after their eligibility expires. It’s a disgrace. Instead, why not allow football players to major in, well,…