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UO Matters

Guns on campus

9/28/2011: (Edited in response to an anonymous comment.) Sanne Godfrey of the ODE reports that Frances Dyke and Doug Tripp are all but sure to get final approval for a fully sworn, armed UO Police force, at the 10/7/2011 OUS meeting. And Bill Graves of the Oregonian reports that the…

NCAA insiders rake it in

9/28/2011: Today in the the Chronicle: In all, the NCAA took in $741-million in the 2009-10 fiscal year, up from $706-million the previous fiscal year. As a nonprofit organization, the NCAA is not required to pay taxes on its revenues. Their job is riding shotgun on the gravy train for…

Oregonian on UO

9/26/2011: Two recent opinion pieces in the Oregonian. Both with praise for UO’s ambitions and the importance of that ambition for the state. Steve Duin – not exactly a patsy for UO’s public relations department in the past: What’s not to like about the university’s ambition, in a state where…

More on OUS Chancellor, UO Board

9/24/2011: Roundup of recent developments in Gov Kitzhaber’s reorganization of Oregon Education. Worth reading it all, from Bill Graves in the Oregonian: Gov. John Kitzhaber recently appointed the powerful Oregon Education Investment Board, which he will chair and which will control the budget for education in Oregon from preschool through…

Former UO basketball coach Bev Smith favors paying "student athletes"

9/22/2010: From Don Kahle in the RG: Indeed, “student-athlete” is a term invented by the NCAA to save its member universities from the workers’ compensation expenses that federal law mandates for all employees. Football in particular is hazardous work, so universities understandably resist categorizing participation in intercollegiate sports as “work.”…