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UO Matters

More on Gabon

6/15/2011: UO Matters’s foreign correspondents have been hard at work on the UO Gabon partnership. Turns out the US Ambassador Eric Benjaminson is a UO alum and football fan – pretty sure he’s not talking soccer. Finalement, c’est un réel plaisir de vous présenter le Dr. Dennis Galvan et John…

He said He said on Gabon

6/15/2011: What UO says about Gabon President Ali Bongo, via its press office: Gabon, with a population of 1.5 million, is one of the richest nations in its region after 50 years of coastal and offshore oil production. But its leaders acknowledge that oil will not last forever, and its…

Why humans are rational

6/14/2011: This NY Times piece on the work of Hugo Mercier is fascinating: For centuries thinkers have assumed that the uniquely human capacity for reasoning has existed to let people reach beyond mere perception and reflex in the search for truth. Rationality allowed a solitary thinker to blaze a path…

sports roundup

6/14/2011: 118 MPH in a Nissan Stanza? This athlete’s work for the Ducks would have earned him $500,000 or so last year, except that under NCAA rules smiling Chip Kelly and the other UO coaches got to keep it all. And the NCAA thinks the problem is that a UO…

Kitzhaber takes off hat

6/10/2011: Who knows where this will go next, I’m dizzy. But Kitzhaber is looking better. Kim Melton of the Oregonian seems to be on top of the legislative education circus. Put her in your RSS. Meanwhile Stacia Kalinoski of KEZI reports on the Eugene 4J layoffs: “It feels like a…

Well-paid UO Consultants

6/9/2016: Those ingrates at Huron Higher Ed consultants have almost finished their $1.789 million consulting job, leaving behind this description of the UO administrators that hired them, and “The Oregon Way”: UO Matters is running its own competition for the best definition of “The Oregon Way”. Enter yours in the…

oh shit, not again

6/9/2011: Last July we wrote: While ORSA has been in complete disarray, the Human Subjects Protection office has been very well run. I hope they can find a worthy replacement for Juliana (Kyrk). Given what I’ve seen of other university’s IRB offices it won’t be easy. Rumor is that the…

Huron report, phase ii

6/8/2011: Rich Linton and Frances Dyke have now posted the phase II Huron report, here – a 143 page powerpoint. It doesn’t make them look like very good managers. President Lariviere has fired Linton from his VP for Research job, and has hired a search firm and posted an ad…