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UO Matters

Kitzhaber boots Pernsteiner

12/6/2010: It’s not officially a done deal, but Nigel Jaquiss reports he is on the short list of state agency heads who have been told to prepare their resignations. Kitzhaber writes: You will note that the list does not include all state agencies or programs. Rather, it represents my immediate…

Tax deductible?

12/6/2010: Stefan Verbano of the ODE digs into the recordings of the OUS meeting on the new UO athletic complex, back in June: At one point in the meeting, however, Lariviere spoke frankly about how the school has been obliged to embrace such projects even if they do not buttress…

Senate Agenda

12/1/2010: The Senate meets today, agenda here. A report from President Lariviere/Provost Bean on the Riverfront Research Park should be interesting, given recent revelations about UO’s apparent failure to follow the development procedures. I suspect the statement will be limited, given the potential for a lawsuit from the developer. France…

NCAA investigations

11/24/2010: One of the sadder aspects of college athletics is the resemblance to slavery. The coaches earn millions, while the players get subsistence. Slave owners were able to do this because they owned the slaves and had a brutal system of enforcers to prevent the slaves from bargaining for more,…