1/4/2011: From Charles Clotfelter – an economist – in the Washington Post: With the exception of the 80 percent rule for gifts that enable a donor to buy tickets, all these donations are subject to the same tax subsidy we reserve for charitable and educational institutions like hospitals, food pantries,…
UO Matters
1/4/2011: Bill Graves of the Oregonian has a piece on the football team’s success and what it will mean for academics. President Lariviere goes gaga: The UO not only stands to gain market share in the sports business, but also mind share in public attention, he says. On a recent…
1/4/2011: Somebody leaked this pissy letter from Dave Frohnmayer and William Gary to Gov. Kulongoski, regarding AG Kroger’s report on the DOJ investigation of energy contracts with Kitzhaber’s girlfriend: As an experienced prosecutor, Mr. Riddell certainly must have understood that Mr. Long has a constitutional right to decline a request…
1/3/2010: Wondering who is behind those new student apartments next to the arena? Looks like one of the investors is Russell Kilkenny, former UO Athletic Director Pat Kilkenny‘s brother. The financing is through a San Diego bank that supports Pat’s Lucky Duck Foundation, I wonder if he is also involved.…
Another update: In this Oregonian op-ed, the Portland Business Alliance, Associated Oregon Industries, the Oregon Business Council and the Oregon Business Association come out in favor of the OUS reform plan, and a delay in consideration of the Lariviere plan til another year. Update: WWeek posts part of their exit…
12/30/2010: … along with collecting $100K per year from UO, plus a secretary, GTF, 2 offices, and a $180K expense account budget. From Brent Walth in the Oregonian: A top Kulongoski administration official has been put on leave following a criminal investigation into allegations that the Oregon Department of Energy…
12/30/2010: UO Prof Richard Sundt takes on the boosters. From the RG Letters: Academic success has other causes In his Dec. 27 guest viewpoint, Duck fan Alex Richanbach is mad at the University of Oregon Athletic Department for telling Glendale game-goers to wear yellow. He nevertheless celebrates the Ducks’ unbridled…
12/28/2010: For the 09-10 fiscal year the UO Foundation brought in $31.7 million in outright gifts (as opposed to deferred gifts or gifts for buildings.) $18.1 million of that was for athletics. More on this later, still crunching the data.
12/28/2010: Courtesy of BoJack.org. The poll is here. Presumably the OHSU foundation paid for it. Seems pointless, unless the point is they will waste money to show how badly they want independence. Silly. I hope UO is not going to do something similar. People already think we are wasting money.
12/27/2010: A Law Dean at the University of Maryland. From the Chronicle and the Sun: Former Maryland law dean agrees to return more than $300,000 Rothenberg reaches settlement with attorney general, will return to full-time faculty duties in January December 22, 2010|By Childs Walker, The Baltimore Sun The former dean…
Update: Today the RG prints an Op-Ed from Director George Leef of the Pope Center for Higher Ed Policy opposing Lariviere’s plan: Another part of his plan is that university spending of this revenue stream will be overseen by a publicly appointed board that would guard against waste. The trouble…
12/24/2010: UO’s Public Records Officer Liz Denecke and AD Rob Mullens are now using FERPA privacy rules to block the release of public records of an NCAA investigation of the Ducks. This is after the RG paid Denecke $367.29 for the records. They made the request September 14. On December…
12/22/2010: No, don’t. That would be insane. Not that I’m an expert on charitable giving. I do get asked if we accept donations though. We don’t, unless they are in bottles and aged at least 12 years. Google gives us most of what we need free. Dropbox does the rest.…
12/22/2010: USA Today has a long report on the recent explosion in salaries for assistant football coaches, with a special focus on Oregon. At UO there are 9 assistants, making an average of over $400,000 each, with bonuses. Add in Kelly’s $3.5 million, Altman’s $1.5, Mullens’s $600,000, and the $2.3…
12/22/2010: That would be the new President of UVa. Jack Stripling of Insidehighered.com has an interesting article on her efforts to involve faculty in financial decision-making: The 13-member crew, whose membership is weighted toward those with some business or finance acumen, is charged to serve as an informal advisory group…