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UO Matters

political heat for Lariviere for doing the right thing by the UO staff

10/13/2010: This article by Nigel Jaquiss below is one UO story I would really rather have not seen in the newspaper. For one thing it’s full of mistakes. For another it attacks the UO staff without any justification. This situation is not their fault, or Lariviere’s fault. It’s Kulongoski’s fault…

new Office of Security

10/9/2010: Update, the DPS budget for 2006-2011 is here. Up a bit more than 100% *before* the costs of converting to a sworn force.. The whole of the College of Arts and Sciences, for comparison, is up a bit less than 50%. Apparently DPS is having a hard time spending…

WTF? Randy Geller as General Counsel? Unbelievable.

10/7/2010: The campus erupted in celebration back in April when Pres Lariviere fired General Counsel Melinda Grier and announced: “This institution did not follow acceptable business practices in the past,” Lariviere said. “That will not be repeated under my administration.”  Jeff Manning and Ken Goe of the Oregonian wrote: Grier,…

Commentator rips into ASUO Pres Amelie Rousseau …

10/4/2010: … over her convocation statements complaining about the EPD “tear gas attack”, vehemently opposing President Lariviere’s restructuring plan, and calling on students to register to vote and then to oppose it. By Commentator Editor Lyzi Diamond. Personally, I think Ms Rousseau is wrong on Pres Lariviere’s restructuring plan, but…


10/4/2010: I’ve talked to way too many reporters over the years. They would spit in the phone everytime UO’s public records boss Melinda Grier’s name was mentioned. Steve Duin of the Oregonian compared her operation to the KGB. It took a rebellion of sportswriters over the Bellotti payoff to get…