6/19/2010: The news is grim. First it was this. Then this. Yesterday this comes out. Maybe the search committee for UO’s next VP for Research should be looking for an expert on this?
UO Matters
6/18/2010: From the blurb from the new Century Foundation book on access to higher education, Rewarding Strivers: Obstacles are more closely associated with class than race, suggesting affirmative action should be primarily about socioeconomic status. Racial discrimination continues to play a role in education, but its influence is dwarfed by…
6/15/2010: Summertime and the posting will be light for a bit.
6/15/2010: The AAAS and the AAU and the Sloan Foundation recently hired a team of lawyers to write a thoughtful and carefully argued 200 page book, elaborating on what is “legally sustainable” in university diversity programs and what is not. Press release and link here. Very interesting reading.
6/14/2010: Eric Kelderman of the Chronicle of Higher Education (or here) has an interesting, long, and thorough article on the recent unpleasantness, and more generally on UO and the tough job Lariviere has in front of him: … what is clear is that Mr. Bellotti’s hiring was highly unusual and…
6/14/2010: … at the University of Florida. From Paul Fain in the Chronicle: Despite struggles with years of budget cuts, the University of Florida announced on Friday a broad package of pay raises for faculty members. The 4-percent merit raises buck a national trend of wage freezes at public universities…
6/13/2010: Just about finished up with grading here – another 120 pages to go. My students have already done their evaluations of me. Getting feedback isn’t always pleasant, but that’s sort of the point. UO requires student evaluations for every course I teach, and these evaluations are part of what…
6/3/2010: Martinez makes a lot of his Hispanic background. But he doesn’t speak Spanish. 5/31/2010: See update below on OIED hiring issues, details on this later.5/25/2010: See update below on NIH grants. Almost unbelievable, but all from report.nih.gov.5/23/2010: See update below on Associate Professor / tenure. 5/20/2010: Here are a…
6/12/2010: There is an article on the latest shifts in athletic conferences in USA Today here, and another on the PAC-16 specifically here. My takeaway is that college football is getting even more profitable, and that players and academics will continue to get nothing from it – so, uh, who…
6/13/2010: Steve Duin of the Oregonian on the PAC-16: In the Pacific-10’s imminent decision to expand to 16 teams, we have the triumph of gluttony over moderation, crass over class, John Calipari over John Wooden. What’s more, we might have our final proof that the university presidents who have sanctioned…
6/11/2010: Two weeks ago VP for Research Rich Linton was told he would get a terminal contract. Today, rumor has it that Associate Vice President of Research and Director of ORSA Paula Roberts was fired by Provost Jim Bean, and that this was the direct result of pressure from “irate”…
6/9/2010: In November, UO VP for Finance Frances Dyke signed a secret contract with labor relations consultant Stan McKnight for $25,000 to develop UO’s website responding to a faculty unionization effort from the AAUP/AFT. UO kept the contract secret until May, when the GTTF union found out about it. At…
6/11/2010: Larry Galizio was an Oregon state representative who retired mid term 2009 and was given a OUS job by Governor Kulongoski. Harry Esteve of the Oregonian called it payback for supporting a pet Kulongoski bill to stop a development project near some supporters’s vacation homes. Nigel Jaquiss in WWeek…
6/9/2010: I thought Masoli had been kicked off the team after the laptop theft, but I can’t keep them straight anymore. Not sure if possession really should count, but it looks like this will move the Ducks up in the Fulmer Cup rankings. Does Kelly’s contract have a penalty for…
6/9/2010: The Louisiana Higher Ed commissioner has resigned after the Times Picayune caught her in a retirement scam involving double dipping. Legal but sleazy, and she didn’t tell the board what she was going to do. In Oregon, her boss would have helped her set up the scheme and written…