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UO Matters

Why did Lidz resign?

6/2/2010: Greg Bolt of the RG has a story on the Jerry Lidz resignation, here, suggesting Frohnmayer deserved more of the blame for the Bellotti payoff than he got. Which was none. Meanwhile the lawyers are in an uproar over Lidz – this is the third of AG Kroger’s top…

Melinda Grier’s husband Jerry Lidz quits as Oregon Solicitor General

6/1/2010: This is stunning news from Nigel Jaquiss at Willamette Week. (Les Zaitz of the Oregonian has more here.) Oregon Solicitor General General Jerry Lidz has given AG John Kroger two weeks notice. This is fallout from Lariviere’s firing of Melinda Grier: Lidz is her husband. After the Bellotti verbal…

NCAA scholarships

5/30/2010: Alan Scher Zagier of the AP writes on what happens to NCAA division I scholarship players if the coach decides he/she wants them off the team. They lose all their funding, and if they want to finish their degree and are out of state, they pay out of state…

regarding Rich Linton:

update from Anonymous: It is a sad day at the University of Oregon when an administrator with the integrity and character of Rich Linton decides it’s time to leave.   As Roast Duck says, he is a classy guy.   While significantly elevating the profile of research, Rich always worked toward the…

VP for Research Rich Linton gets a terminal contract:

Update: Linton’s own public statement is here: It is satisfying for me to leave knowing that the UO has seen increasing research accomplishments by its faculty, including sustained growth in sponsored research funding, interdisciplinary research initiatives and innovations supporting technology transfer and development. I am deeply grateful for our faculty,…

Those damn economists:

5/25/2010: Across the board cuts. From Harry Esteve in the Oregonian: The sheer size of the drop stunned lawmakers, who listened in stony silence as state economist Tom Potiowsky and senior economist Josh Harwood went through the numbers. .. House Minority Leader Bruce Hanna, R-Roseburg, said the shortfall “is a product…

Should the undocumented children of illegal immigrants pay in-state tuition?

5/23/2010: UO Journalism student Briselda Molina has a very thought provoking op-ed in the RG asking if public universities should charge the children of illegal immigrants in-state tuition. I know UO students like the one she writes about – brought to Oregon by their parents as infants or young children,…

Denied: The full Bellotti

5/22/2010: Normally when you make a request to the Oregon DOJ for public records, you get a reply from DOJ Attorney Michael Kron, the DOJ’s Government Transparency Czar.  So when I asked for the full report on the Bellotti investigation, I was a little surprised to get a denial from…

Socialist Worker’s Party attacks Lariviere plan, Oregonian supports it.

5/20/2010: The official organ of the Socialist Worker’s Party opposes Lariviere’s restructuring plan. I’d been waiting for them to weigh in. The Oregonian, on the other hand, is much more positive (this is from 5/15, not sure how I missed it – thanks, anonymous UO administration person.) … But what…