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UO Matters

More Bloat 2

4/29/2010: Diversity Vice President Charles Martinez is paid $146,537 by UO for his 0.75 FTE appointment at UO. (The stipend is really just extra salary, paid from a fund that was set up to compensate faculty for administrative work. The administration has been using these instead as a device to…

Kroger makes it official: Grier is the scapegoat for Frohnmayer and Kilkenny

4/30/2010 update: Greg Bolt has a story about this in the RG. Not much new except this: Some attention also focused on former UO President Dave Frohnmayer, who in 2005 had assigned responsibility for personnel issues in the athletic department to Grier’s office. Frohnmayer was winding down his presidency when…

Parking 2

4/27/2010: Parking pdate: The ODE follows up their excellent reporting on parking with an angry editorial: … What’s more, more than a third of the 377 spots in the arena parking structure are reserved for users of the Jaqua Academic Center for Student-Athletes. DPS paying for the arena structure bond…

Goodbye Kilkenny

4/27/2010: Lariviere leaves no doubt who is in charge. From Ron Bellamy in the RG: Lariviere said that at times he re-directed Kilkenny when he felt that the search was heading in a direction with which he wasn’t comfortable. “Not that Pat was promoting a particular person, but a name…