4/18/2010: I missed the Wed Senate meeting but have heard a few reports: First, Pres Lariviere appeared and made a brief statement about transparency. Leaving Melinda Grier and her lackey Doug Park in charge of public records has been a disaster for UO. Now that it has led to embarrassment…
UO Matters
4/17/2010: Steve Duin of the Oregonian has a column about Poli-Sci firing instructor Ken De Bevoise. I’d honestly never heard of this guy until his students started a movement to reinstate him. From the interview with VP for Academic Affairs Russ Tomlin, it appears possible that UO will in fact…
4/16/2010: Wondering how Pat Kilkenny’s search for a new basketball coach is going? Me neither. But I was curious about how sports columnists are tracking his movements. Turns out it’s public info, and on the web: Here’s the link for his tail number: http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N228PK
comments were broken for a few days – seem to be working now
4/14/2010: From Insidehighered.com Controversy is growing over an invitation by the foundation of California State University at Stanislaus to Sarah Palin. Jerry Brown, the attorney general of California, is starting an investigation into the foundation and whether it is appropriate for it to use funds to bring the former vice…
Note: We’ve been asked how much Lariviere’s consulting contract paid. Looks like $70,000 a month. (Maybe only $35,000 a month.) It’s funny how it’s never the right time politically for faculty and staff raises, but politics never seems to be a problem when it comes to pay for administrators. Ha…
4/10/2010: A reader asks what I think of this story: MADISON, Wis. — The University of Wisconsin-Madison canceled its licensing agreement with Nike Inc. on Friday, becoming the first university to take that step over concerns about the company’s treatment of workers in Honduras. Chancellor Biddy Martin said Nike hasn’t…
4/10/2010: The Oregonian’s readers are skeptical: Just how long does a new college president get to bear no responsibility for the continuance of bad oral contracts, an interim athletic director to mislead the public as to the amount involved and a general counsel to commit an oral agreement to written…
I just glanced at the administration’s updated info site, at http://hr.uoregon.edu/er/unionization/index.html It’s a hodgepodge – different info about their take on the dues in different places. Does anyone know why the union organizers are so quiet? I heard they are busy hitting up the OAs? The Union site is here,…
4/9/2010: From KVAL: A new study found Oregon State University women are paid more for their eggs than women at the University of Oregon. To find intelligent young women, fertility clinics often advertise in college newspapers. Georgia Tech studied those ads at 306 schools and found that Oregon State University…
4/8/2010: That headline on Steve Duin’s column in the Oregonian does not say it all. There’s plenty more in the article about Melinda Grier’s role in recent events: Let me see if I can get my arms around the challenge facing University of Oregon President Richard Lariviere if he is…
4/8/2010: 2 years ago, when Frohnmayer and Kilkenny were selling the Legislature on the arena bonds and they didn’t believe the ridiculous revenue predictions, Frohnmayer said UO would create a special reserve fund to cover shortfalls by adding a $1 surcharge to all athletic tickets. So what’s the balance up…
problem with Lariviere’s plan to use new donations to the athletic department to fund Bellotti’s payoff, from Lewis and Clark Tax Law Professor Jack Bogdanski. The IRS says “You cannot deduct contributions to specific individuals, … “. That rule will approximately double the cost to the donors of the buyout.…
4/7/2010: From Rachel Bachman in the Oregonian: “This institution did not follow acceptable business practices in the past,” Lariviere said. “That will not be repeated under my administration.” and Greg Bolt in the RG: The university’s legal department late last month said it didn’t realize that there was no contract…
4/6/2010: There will be a lot of attention paid today to the unusual verbal contract which, apparently, Frohnmayer and Kilkenny negotiated with Bellotti with the help of UO General Counsel Melinda Grier – leaving President Lariviere holding the bag. Here’s another case of the sort of sweetheart deals that have…