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UO Matters

Good old boys at play

3/24/2010: I’ve always thought Frohnmayer’s golden parachute gig was pretty corrupt. OUS Chancellor Pernsteiner and his lawyer Ryan Hagemann kept the negotiations secret, and when they finally released the contract showing that UO would pay Frohnmayer $245,700 for 35 hours of teaching – per year – it left out many…

More on coaches

3/23/2010: Ron Bellamy of the RG has a story explaining how UO will soon be paying over $2 million per year to former athletic staff, at the same time they look for a new AD and basketball coach. Presumably the money to cover this is going to come in the…

Red Ink for athletics

3/20/2010: Bellotti has now resigned – giving UO 2 weeks notice to find a replacement. He and Kilkenny left the athletic department over budget and with no financial reserves. There will be an easy $20 million per year in new expenses coming on line – arena bonds, new basketball coach,…

Meet the Pres

3/16/2010: If anyone learns anything interesting from these sessions, please post a comment or send an email to [email protected]. I can’t make them. I remember Frohnmayer used to hold these regularly, until the questions got too pointed. Good morning, This is a reminder that today President Lariviere is holding two…

My apologies

3/14/2010: My apologies for all the sports stuff lately. Here’s a little more, on what it takes to win at college football. Looks like it’s mostly a willingness to recruit players who are not going to graduate. From The graduation rates in The Bootleg’s analysis are the NCAA’s “Graduation…

The usual

3/11/2010: I’d hope this leads to some housecleaning at the athletic department – but I doubt it. Two stories from the RG website:LaMichael James to plead guilty to something – presumably something that doesn’t sound as bad as attempted strangulation. And, quoting: University of Oregon quarterback Jeremiah Masoli is being…

Lariviere talks:

3/10/2010: And as an antidote to the post below, our new President talks to the Washington Post. Not a word about athletics – I am starting to like this guy. Coffee with U. of Oregon President Lariviere I had coffee recently with Richard Lariviere, president of the University of Oregon.…

Where’s our money.

From UO newsclips: Pac-10 schools face funding losses: States cut funding for Pac-10 schools as budget losses impact financial aid and tuition hikes. — The Daily Evergreen (WSU does not stand alone in the face of higher education budget cuts.  Throughout the Pac-10, the challenges of a tight economy are…


3/7/2010: Coach Kelly is not saying what discipline there will be for the player who attacked the 19 year old girl. Meanwhile, another DUI. Actually just a minor in possession since he was trying to drive the wrong SUV, his keys didn’t work and the owner didn’t press charges. Given…