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Posts published by “uomatters”

How did Mike Gottfredson’s annual performance review turn out?

Gottfredson’s contract calls for annual performance evaluations: Last year Gottfredson refused to release any details about his evaluation. At the March meeting this year the UO Trustees discussed how they would take over this responsibility from OUS. Anyone hear of any followup? At many universities these evaluations are public as a matter…

Bob Berdahl grills Gottfredson over Duck rape allegation cover-up

Jennifer Winters has the hard hitting investigative story in “Around the O, here. Just kidding, Ms Winters is one of Gottfredson’s many paid PR flacks, and her report is just what you’d expect. Gottfredson’s (renamed) “Presidential Review Panel” had secret meetings Wednesday and Thursday. According to the post on his website, Gottfredson…

Ben Franklin and Ted Wheeler: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”

Benjamin Franklin was a failure as an apprentice chandler. He almost died as a runaway from his second apprenticeship, as a printer. Eventually he figured out what to do with his life. In the end he donated L1,000 in his will to start a revolving fund to lend money to Boston…

UO General Counsel’s office loses another one

7/29/2014: Johnson Hall sure is hard on lawyers. In 2010 President Lariviere fired GC Melinda Grier for hiding public records about Mike Bellotti’s contract, then appointed her assistant Randy Geller after what mounted to a failed search for a replacement. (It appears Gottfredson has rehired Grier on the side though). In 2013 Assistant GC Paul Kaufmann left without explanation,…

UO communicators try to hide Gottfredson’s calamitous fundraising collapse

Chuck Lillis, the Chairman of UO’s new Board of Trustees, wants to raise $2 to $3 billion to get UO back on the AAU track. Gottfredson is not delivering. The word is his style does not go over any better with alumni than it does with students and faculty. Now UO’s strategic communicators…

Gottfredson extends union benefits to OAs, but not to GTFs.

After paying noted tobacco company attorney Sharon Rudnick and her friends $1M to unsuccessfully argue “The University” couldn’t afford to give these benefits to faculty union members, Gottfredson now wants credit for giving them to the non-unionized faculty and the OAs too. His email manages to try this without once…