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Posts published by “uomatters”

Don Kahle and Austin Meek on Frohnmayer, Gottfredson, Lariviere, Lillis, Nixon, and Gleason

8/15/2014 update: RG sports columnist Austin Meek gets Dave Frohnmayer to take a little time out from his work lobbying for BP, to talk about UO and sports: Critics would say Oregon’s sports boom came at the expense of the school’s academic reputation. Frohnmayer disagrees, saying Oregon made academic progress in…

The Eugene Weekly on the Gottfredson “resignation” and UO Matters

Camilla Mortensen has the resignation story here, and their “SLANT” section adds a little advice for Scott Coltrane: • Just a suggestion: Interim UO President Scott Coltrane should pencil in lunch with Bill Harbaugh at least once a month, and the next president should do the same. Harbaugh is the…

Senate Task Force meets again, Coltrane to dissolve Gottfredson’s panel?

8/11/2014 update: It’s not clear what will now happen with the secretive “External Review Panel” that Gottfredson, Mullens and Holmes selected to review how their response to the March 8-9 rape allegations went bad, and how UO should address sexual violence in the future. Perhaps Coltrane will disband this panel, and express his confidence in letting the Senate Task Force do the job. Christina Belasco has a report in the Emerald on the most recent meeting of the Senate Task Force, with some background.

8/5/2014 update: President Kyr updates UO on Senate Task Force on Sexual Violence

UO President Gottfredson still refuses to release basic documents about his office’s response to the March 8-9 rape allegations. Now he has apparently ordered his “External Presidential Review Panel” to meet in secret – and perhaps not even talk to the press. But UO Senate President Rob Kyr and the Senate Task force are taking the high road. Their next meeting is Aug 7 in Room 115 Knight Library. Open to the public, as always:

To: University of Oregon Campus Community

From: Robert Kyr, University Senate President

RE: Senate Task Force to Address Sexual Violence and Survivor Support

I am writing in order to give you an update regarding the Senate’s Task Force to Address Sexual Violence and Survivor Support.

Interim President Coltrane appoints Frances Bronet as Interim Provost

From: “President’s Office” <[email protected]> Subject: Message from Scott Coltrane Date: August 8, 2014 at 2:16:42 PM PDT Reply-To: [email protected] Colleagues, The fact that I am greeting you as interim president is as surprising to me as it may be to you. When I stepped into the provost role a year…

UO Pres Mike Gottfredson resigns for $940K cash, Coltrane is interim

8/9/2014 update: Christian Wihtol reports in the RG that UO was not obligated to pay Gottfredson $940K. 8/8/2014 2:30 pm update: Still a beautiful day out there. Gottfredson’s separation agreement, here. $940K, half in cash within 5 days. Dr. Gottfredson agrees not to sue The University or its employees 8/8/2014…