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Posts published by “UO Matters”

Schill wanted to break up CAS. Under Dean Poulsen it’s adding more schools – and a Navy

Dear colleagues,  With graduation only a few days away, I want to take this moment to express my gratitude to you for a successful academic year. This year started with the welcoming of UO’s largest freshman class and will culminate with CAS graduating 2,441 undergraduate and 280 graduate students. Thank…

Dean Poulsen announces ambitious CAS climate survey response: Next year we’ll pay for some socializing and develop some plans for some mentoring.

Dear colleagues, Before we close out the spring term, I want to update you on how the college is addressing findings from the CAS Climate Survey. As a reminder, in Spring 2022 the university partnered with Gallup to conduct a workplace climate survey designed to identify structural, cultural, and institutional…

Interim Pres and Provost apologize to graduating students for screwing up their commencement

Dear University of Oregon community members, As the 2022–23 academic year comes to a close, we have much to celebrate. Foremost, we celebrate the accomplishments of our graduating students. Your education has been marked by extraordinary resilience. Completing your degree, creating impact in our community, and graduating from the University…

Facilities Services to cut back on cleaning bathrooms & faculty offices so they can prep for Uncle Phil’s track meets

Hello Campus Community, I am alerting you to CPFM Facilities Services Custodial Department’s temporary adjustment to services provided to the academic buildings during the upcoming Summer Term. Last year we had the opportunity to partner with U of O Housing during the World Track Championships and provide custodial support to…

UO Admin working in shifts to find cause of bad campus climate

Dear colleagues, We are writing to provide an update on the University of Oregon’s efforts to create a workplace climate that fosters equity, inclusion, and belonging—with the goal that every individual can achieve and thrive. As part of this commitment to create a healthy and productive campus culture, the university…

CAS Dean tries to increase faculty diversity by moving diverse faculty into administration

Of course this would make complete sense if he’s mostly concerned with looking like he’s doing something. Nah that can’t be it, can it? From: CAS Dean [email protected]: CAS Faculty Announcing Nadia Singh as Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and InclusionDate: May 23, 2023 at 3:37:05 PM PDTTo: “‘[email protected]'” [email protected],…

Interim Provost caves on illegal Honor’s College Dean search

After initially arguing that the search policy that the Senate developed and Pres Schill adopted as UO Policy was “just advisory”, Woodruff-Borden has, after the expenditure of much effort and time by the Senate leadership, United Academics (who filed a grievance) and many others, finally been brought to her senses…

How the UO Senate helped a new President get rid of a bad interim provost

Thought I’d repost this bit of history, no particular reason: 2/20/2013: Congratulations to Nathan Tublitz and the Senate: SPQUO. Stupid and futile gesture works! Dear colleagues, I am writing to let you know that James Bean has requested a return to his faculty position at the Lundquist College of Business at the end…

Pres Schill cuts deal with ASUO on ending $1.7M student fee payment to Ducks, students meeting at 4 today

2/2/2021: No details on the deal til 4PM today. Maybe some wealthy UO donor finally decided to start paying for the students, like he pays for the coaches raises? While UO’s students pay the Ducks $1.7M a year for “free” tickets, at Maryland the athletic department pays the students to…